Inconvenient Occurrence (1)

Due to some unusual instances, things don't always come out as they were meant to be. In this land of pokemon, there is a ratio of 95:5 normal... and unusual. Here, where our story unfolds, we share with you... the unusual, and how Natural Selection...

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Prologue)

First part of Fara's story, based off of the story written by Kyler the Umbreon. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The feeling...

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Change of Paces (Chapter Three)

Here's hoping that nobody complains that it's short this time. I mean,.... really, now? It's something around 3925 words.......

Change of Paces (Chapter Two)

1619 words of 0 action, enjoy yourselves. Drama before drama. Thanks to Kuro and others that helped me sit through the 4-5 hour car trip, saved me a bit of butthurt. Enjoying new, portable laptop that lasts the whole 5 hours of the trip. 500 bucks......

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Change of Paces (Chapter One)

The morning Fara woke up, Lucky was bathing her other pokemon. Fara stretched and took her place, sitting proudly in the next spot for her bath. Fara was eavesdropping on the conversation between Lucky and Bubba. Lucky was apologizing for not letting...

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A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter One)

I _did_ have her say she would find a new trainer one day way back then. If you remembered, good job! I also named that bulbasaur for a reason. I was going to bring him back eventually, I found a way. Let's name some more people. \<- Fara dislikes...

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter One)

I have to say, this one was kind of hard to write because they were in the house for the first half of the story. I'll have to make up some stuff... maybe character developement time. I don't think battle scenes are a strong point for me, but I...

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A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter Four : End)

I didn't realize how much I had written, and where i was going to stop wasn't quite as good as a cutoff, so... here we...

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A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter Three)

You know, it's funny what you can come up with when you're sitting on a bus for five and a half hours. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for...

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A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter Two)

Thanks to DarkUmbreon99, for helping me with names, even though i didn't use any of them. I do appreciate it though, truely. Here goes Chapter Two. Don't hold back, contructive criticism...

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Five)

A mix of five and six, because there still wasn't enough to call it a whole part. Something came out weird and put it in a white...

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Four)

The swift had to be altered in some way, because swift is an undodgable attack... In the original he said that Kyler backflipped over it and dodged it... Well, I'm going to shed some light on that one. We can't let them have all the fun, can we? This...

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