Evolution of A Friendship

::Warning:: -This story contains explicit scenes of sex and is not intended for readers under the age of 18.- Evolution of a Friendship By CYS Randy walked into the small café where he meets some of his friends everyday. He looked...

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Jump Start

Warning This story contains explicit scenes of sex and is not intended for readers under 18. Jump Start By CYS It was a sunny day outside and all was good for Sam. Today was going to be a very invigorating day for there were to be a...

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Yiffstar High- Day 2: I think I'm Mistaken...

Welcome to Yiffstar High, I'm Cy! Unlike any other story, this one is completely interactive! All the characters I introduce will be created by YOU, the readers. Enroll yourselves with a simple e-mail, and see your character's story play out within my...

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Yiffstar High - Day 2: The Missing Page

The first reader based chapter of the series that is to become Yiffstar High! If you would like to enroll and see what trouble your furry self winds up in, feel free to apply by e-mailing me at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)...

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Yiffstar High: Orientation

Welcome to Yiffstar High, I'm Cy! Unlike any other story, this one is completely interactive! All the characters I introduce will be created by YOU, the readers. Enroll yourselves with a simple e-mail, and see your character's story play out within my...

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Kaisa and Adina: Adina, Alone?

Adina shivered and sighed, rolling over to stare at the bright green 3:00 am on the face of her clock. It had been less than five hours ago that Kaisa had said his goodbyes, heading back to Emerald fields to complete his semester, less than five hours...

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Rite of Passage: Introductions

Second chapter of my new series. This took MUCH longer to write than I thought and for that I apologise, though I'm very happy with the end result. This story is pretty long so, if you want to go straight to the good stuff scroll to the...

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Rite of Passage: A New World

_This is my newest addition to my works! A story of a human boy who gets a shocking introduction to his family history. PLEASE please comment! I need to know if this is to be a new series, and the people who decide that are you guys! PLEASE let me...

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Kaisa and Adina: Good News and Great Friends

Possibly the longest story I've written yet! time for you guys to get a real feel for the characters, as well as plenty of the action I know you want! Please comment if you enjoy this... hey even comment if you hate it, I always love knowing what...

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Kaisa and Adina: Kaisa's Sick Day

Kaisa's smile as he recalled yesterday's trip to school was quickly replaced by a grimmance as his headache returned. Late last night as he was getting ready for bed, he had broken out into a sweat, and was struck quickly with a terrible fever which...

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Kaisa and Adina: Carpool

Kaisa gasped, and quickly stared at his drink as a very cute mouse across the bar cast a seductive look his way. He shifted his beer forward slightly and decided to risk another glimpse, only to observe an empty seat. It was then that he felt the hot...


How Cy Got His Name

Hey guys, I'm new to the whole scene here and this is going to be my first story ever so please give me feedback, and be honest! If I like writing as much as I think I will, and if I get good feedback I may make this into a series in my spare time. Oh...

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