The Dream Pt3

Ixen and Thrae woke up and looked in the room Hesjing should have been in. They opened the door and seen the bed was made and yet no one was up. They got worried and went to see if she was talking to Lith in his room. They looked at each other and Ixen...

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The loving bonds of master and slave. Pt1

A guy was walking down the street when he got stopped by a shopkeeper, the shopkeeper offered to his a potion that would make his skin impenetrable, make him live longer than any other, and able to use magic. The Pothoc took the potion handed the man...

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Navy Shore Leave: a time for fun in the dim lighted rooms.

This is for adult entertainment only. If you are a minor please close the window or look up something other then my furry erotica. As such I am not responsible for: Girlfriend leaving you after you are caught reading this, mothers walking in on you...

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What a Witch wants more then anything

This is for adults only if you are here and you are a minor please leave this site NOW! this site is for adult users. Children is not allowed here. This is my warning ot you readers. If you read this and you are minor I am not responsible for any...

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A Dream to wake you up Part two.

As you should know this story is for adults. The first one is also for adults. I am not responsible for a minor reading my Furry erotica. Thank you and Read on, only for adults 18+. The Next day Lith and Anon was in bed asleep. It was a...

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A Dream to wake you up.

A human was floating in a dark, cold abyss. Where no one knew, where no one can find him. He drifted in and out of conscientiousness and waited. What seemed like forever passed and a voice great and mighty spoke out in the abyss. "What do you need...

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Something is wrong in the world today. Part 2

This is the lost part, of the story. This part I had to do all on my own, LeafyKins didn't want to rewrite it with me. But it is all well and good. I had fun retyping this up. Oh ya just to give you guys' heads up on a few things. 1. When a...

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Something is wrong in the world today. Part 3

Rin opened the front door deciding to go for a walk. She stopped short as she saw him. Kenzi froze when he heard the door. Not looking at her he started to walk away. "Kenzi..."Rin said softly still standing at the door. He stopped...

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Something is wrong in the world today.

Kenzi was walking down the street and falls on a homeless man. Kenzi gets up and picks the homeless man up, and asks if he was alright then sent him off to play in the streets again. Rin was sitting outside of the small corner café. Kenzi walks by and...

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In times long since past.

"hey Amanda!" Screamed the young Dragon as he ran quickly to her side. "You want to hang out after school?" He asked with a big childish smile. "I would love to! " She replied. The young otter's smile gleamed in the morning light. "Umm. Lowan. I...

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The Dream Part four. The end is closing in and life as we know it is changing.

Three years has past since the night Thaer and Ixen seen Lith and Hesjing together. In the time passed Lith has become stronger and is now able to make even the highest mountian bow or raise thousands of feet. His feats are few but great, but somehow...

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