A set of rhymes, sour as limes.

There once was an age of dragons and knights, now nothing disturbs the silence of nights. Come join us, come join us by fire and sing, and tell us and tell us what next day will bring. The dragons are gone and the knights are long past, they say...

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The Monster - Pt. 1.5 out of 2 (Murder, Inquisition, ...)

"Wife? Wiiiiife! Damned woman, where the hell is she?" Mayor smiled on them, but something definitely bothered him, he was sweating and his eyes were scanning everything around. They were in a spacious room fitted with a long wooden table, on far end...

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Through the eyes of a Wolf v0.01

Hello someone! As I found myself unable to post it here directly (I am not very skillful :/), here is a link to a small text game I made in my free time. It is nothing significant, but I still hope that you will like it. My apologies for the foul...

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Part One - Whispering Shadows

Prince Varan pushed into heavy iron door, which opened with a loud screech somewhat similar to a sound made by cat whose tail got stepped on. "Damn." He shouldn't be in this part of the castle, in fact, nor servants, nor guards were allowed to these...

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