Lost with Life Chapter 10
He made a horizontal sweep for the bulblin's head, which it then tried to block. the bulblin was too slow, and link's club slammed into his skull.
The Captain's Captive- Attack on the Camp
The air on the sandy battle grounds was thick with electricity and adrenaline as the gerudo and bulblins fought against one another.
Lost with Life Chapter 6
They were called bulblins. the bulblin seemed to be armed with some kind of club. he was far away, but that didn't mean that it wasn't a bad idea to get it mad."midna, don't!"
Lost with Life Chapter 11
Quickly, he went for his club, picking it up swiftly as he saw the bulblins coming right at them. he saw one of them had a bow, and was aiming it directly at him. "arrow!" he yelled as he saw the bulblin letting the arrow fly.
Lost With Life Chapter 15
You haven't secured the roads, you still have not solved your little bulblin and bokoblin problem, and your people are beginning to wonder why are they paying for you to sit on your ass all day.
Lost with Life Chapter 12
It's useful if you're ever invited to a bulblin party." she drank up some of the water before looking back to him. "you went to a bulblin party?" "i remember going to one at least... i guess we were friends with them at one point," link told her.
Lost with Life Chapter 13
He gave it to her before searching his bullbo again, grabbing a bulblin bow. he took a quiver full of arrows from one of the dead archers nearby. he couldn't let that guy get the drop on them again. next time, he would be ready for him.
Spirit Bound: Chapter 117
_ take _that,_ bulblin!" _bulblins_were one of the monsters in the _legend of zelda: twilight princess,_ and they really annoyed micah. garret raised his voice, his ears raised in alarm. "hey! no swords in the house!