Dragon RP-Note From Author
Please note guys,that the contenint gylyspe campaign os not availibe to dragon charaters of a western or eastern dragon body style,but you are free to create an anthro or human charatcer if if you've played a feral charater in the past
Monkey's Beach Bunny Betty pt 1: b-ball bites!
Next, if u are a cub, chimp, kit, kitten, or a baby whale, plz leave the comp. now if u don't like monkeys and/or any of the charaters, leave the comp now.
Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Charater Information
Information on charaters below give a little back ground information for the story series i'm starting called rise of the shadow wolf knight.
RJ's Adventure - Chapter 2: Preparation
Legal Stuff: I do not own Pokémon or anything from, never have, never will, all characters in this story are my original characters, any similarities to anything is strictly coincidental. (Pokémon speak) _Character thought_ xXx = scene transition ...
College Lovers
[ok now this little peice of work is my second stroy and if you all get confussed abot the charaters because they were the same ones in my last story dont worrie i always use teh same charaters in every stroy so dont be 2 surprised ok thanks hope you enjoy
Other Furs Description
A group of short stories of charaters that may or may not be part of the main stories.
Fifth official character
Fifth official character Name/nicnames: Blake Cloud Rivers, The Black Shadow, The Pale Flame Master, The Black King White Knight Favorite songs: popular monster, enemy, coming undone, dirty little animals, welcome to the playground, I like it...
Taking in Story Requests! Please Read!
**also note:** you must give names for the charaters you want in the story, and the gender too. btw, i do not want to be in your story, so don't ask you silly fuzzballs! :p **time:** it will take from 1 hour at the least, to 3 days at the most.
Zombie Apocalypse: Chapter Three.
Nethier of the two new charaters are mine, as ryan den belongs to zelosh. the other charater belongs to another member of sofurry, but i would rather not tell his name yet as it will give away the name for the lone sniper. ^.=.^ p.s (i had permission to use
Blind Date Part I
The charater miami is copyrighted by bernal, and mike is my character.
The Cursed Island
charaters-fangshekonadamonlilliankiraramakia*****************parts-fang- fang lives on this island alone in this huge tree house. he is an neko fox. he can turn into an human, neko, and an horrible monster. he has blue hair and fur.
An experiment gone wrong? Part 6
Tears fell down your face, "_I can't do this anymore. I need answers why all this is happening. If what Chara told me was true then I need to put a stop to it today."_You pick up Asriel and place him down on his bed, "_Don't worry Azzy I'm going to...