The Nature of Warfare

A formidable line of fortifications across an entire front can be constructed in 1-2 months in the absence of complications.

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"No Fighting In The War Room!" Segment Of My Book "Planes"

Passes later, the four arrived at their destination. Maller and Conroy were gently dropped down right inside the entrance of Corova, the greatest work of architecture in all of Maldora. It was carved directly out of the mountain from layer upon layer...

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

The wesitarians and taneru reasoned having a strong system of fortifications on the front which was being attacked would amplify the problems incurred by the kantarians, and the kantarians and roketsune simultaneously deemed they needed systems of fortifications

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 3.3 Doen

We made the fortifications with only one real 'entrance', which we hoped would funnel their numbers down to a manageable amount for our most skilled combatants to deal with while the rest of us provided magical and divine support.

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The Eternal Forest - Chapter I

He fared little better once he made the switchbacks crossing back and forth along the ridge close to the fortification. once or twice he almost slipped off the narrow paths and down into the sharp crags several actus below.

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Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 2: Squad Power Usage

' **fortification'** john stared blankly at grunt as his plan shattered before his eyes. "grunt." john said in an even tone. "yes, battlemaster?" grunt rumbled in response. "did you _just_ turn fortification on?" "yes."

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Finding Home

Later that night when the sun had fully set, the group of furs moved on taking to the east of fortification moving silently and quickly trying to avoid detection.

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Annun - Pathfinder Custom Race

- **stone fortification** : certain annuns with heightened magical affinity find themselves able to control stone in various ways. these annuns are called stoneshapers.

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Terminology and Names

**kaleusthes** this is the name of a small archipelago upon/within which the kantarian naval base and attendant fortifications are situated.

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Tsar: Chapter 2- Fortification of Skyddholm

# chapter 2: fortification of skyddholm # the early morning air was crisp on his thick pelt. the smell of damp earth and vegetation hung in the air. the warm sun chipping away at the cool air beckoned him onward.

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Superiority Chapter 5

They were large fortifications dug into the ground, that when commanded, could rise up, revealing twenty large fifteen millimeter independently aimed cannons, to be used against infantry.

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Chapter 1 – First encounters

And closed her eyes as the shattering of the barrier took her last strength and as the monsters got free they destroyed the last of the fortifications and showered her and rainbow dash in shrapnel from the fortification, making them both cry out in pain as

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