A Special Guest (Vore Story)
And give makar one while he was at it... so instead, neil just chatted with makar and his stream for a few minutes while he waited for his cock to soften up completely and recede back into his sheath.
Con Caper (Vore Story)
Nibbling and sucking gently on it while also pulling makar deeper.
Beginning of the End - Ch 2
Aside from makar and myself, the place was empty. grabbing a small portion of some vegetable concoction, i sat down, makar sitting across from me with some random meat dish. we ate mostly in silence, although makar had attempted small talk.
Book of Changes Part 3
Then there were those eying her second son makare, recently returned from exile. bold, handsome, iron-willed makare. she watched him stand next to his father's corpse at the front of the temple and thought how closely he resembled the deceased jackal.
Beginning of the End - Ch 1
"dear gods, what are you doing here, makar? i thought you were going to be at the shop for the rest of the day!" i said, exasperated.
Book of Changes - 2
Now the throne of the city was set to be delivered to makare, another outcast but recently accepted back into the fold, but stockwell hadn't followed the news too closely.
Cave Encounter (Vore Story)
A quickie done for makar-ro! a powerful red mewtwo wipes your team in a cave, then puts you to use for his pleasure... "i would take a deep breath right now if i were you..."
Backstories: Albus Kane (ZaW)
They were all killed right then and there, with freddy dying at the hands of a police officer that knew albus well, by the name of shenji makar.
Appendix - Twilight Princess Fan Theories
The identity of the sage doesn't matter as long as the requirements are met, of which blood is most likely a factor as evidenced by the scenes in wind waker where medli and makar were descendents of the previous sages potentially by blood.
Forgotten Promise: Chapter 1, Isis
"makar?" the word meant something to her but she didn't know what. she struggled for many minutes to gather her thoughts and pull herself back into what she supposed was some sort of flash back.
Die Hard
There was simon himself, karl, anton, leonti, zoran, donat, feliks, kliment, berdy, feofil, theo, lev, irinei, makar, qudiar and ovdei. if there were more, they weren't listed here, that's for sure.