The Battalion Underneath the Earth (Pulp Story/Non-EPZ)

The shorter moleman swept out its tail, knocking the legs out from under one machine while the taller mole man struck with its claws and drill.

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Kickaha's Day Off

Kickaha's Day Off By CalexTheNeko Even magical tricksters of karma got vacation days. Or at least there was no one to tell Kickaha that he didn't get them. It was one of the many, many benefits of being a self-employed magical being. You got...

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Kickaha Flies a Kite

However as soon as he said the words he saw molehills pop up all over the meadow as moleman emerged to the surface armed with hammers and pickaxes.

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Ashcroft Investigiations: The New Intern

A few moments later a hole broke open and a star-nosed moleman rose from the hole. he wore a crown and a pair of goggles and glanced around the area. "surface dwellers! do you think hardening the ground would prevent our invasion!"

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Chaos Chapter 9: Final Hunt

"and without moleman, we can't track him if he does go below." hank remarked with a heavy sigh. "we know where he's going. if we can't intercept him, we'll link up with volcan and help him," replied sickle. "guess that's a better plan than no plan."

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Regarding Mind Games, Or How I Lost It To A Reckloose Voodoo Queen

A couple at another table, moleman and wife i presumed, had a busty deer doing splits above them, dangling jeweled vines and fondling herself.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:34

"name's harry moleman." the tiny mammal spoke, extending a tiny paw vernon's way.

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