A College Life
"i know i said you were right when i couldn't think of a name that started with a p." said moxy. "so moxy." said josh. "yes josh." answered moxy. "your gay?" asked josh. "yes i am this is my mate drake." said moxy.
Millie's Auditions
moxie's size wasn't incredibly small but as far as imps went it wouldn't be hard to find someone bigger. but she loved moxie and was sure that was enough.
A College Life Part 2
"i've never heard teh analagy before i like that one." said moxy. "thanks moxy." said ann. "that's so sweet." "your welcome." blused moxy. "ok josh can you finish with the xbox." said drake.
Moxie's Dream Come True
"damn it, moxie!" millie cursed. her frustration and irritation was palpable and moxie gulped as she approached. "this is the last time." "but, millie! i...i didn't know!" moxie pleaded.
A College Life Chapter 1 Part 3
(mean while back in drake and moxy's room moxy and ann are tied at ddr josh already lost agents ann now ann is up against moxy.) "i'm winning..." "no your not i'm winning now..." "no i'm winning now." said moxy.
Nicolae and The Moxie Kid
Not only was the moxies good musicians, they were excellent chefs.
moxie smiled in her sleep, unaware of where the change in the nuzzling was from but enjoying it.
A College Life Part 7 Chapter 2
"see yea later moxy and drake." "see yea later guys."
A College Life chapter 1-2 parts 5-6
"ya and it's not my fault my dad named me moxy." said moxy. "but i love your name moxy it sounds so yiffy." said drake. "so do you want to yiff now?" asked moxy.
I Don't Like Mondays
Inquired moxy, tilting her head forward so she could get a look at his face. "honestly, mox, i'm fine. stop worrying," he lied. moxy sighed and looked up at the roof of the shelter, bored... "if you say so."
A College Life Chapter 1 Part 4
Said moxy. "i don't know but i'm beginning to like it here." said drake." hey what happened to my xbox?" "moxy an ann ended the last level in a tie so the game crashed." said josh.
Chapter 13: Difficult Conversations
moxie, after all, had moxie.