Proving the Beaver
"it's bongo," he murmured, "from the nakama!") "we're going to make an official announcement soon," bongo went on. "the nakama wants the colony to know first. dee is alive." he gave them a few seconds to murmur among themselves.
When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Get There
Dee and her nakama have been creating microchips.
The Science of Misfortune
It's all right though," she waved at foo, signaling him to follow her so they could round up the rest of the nakama.
The Science of Misfortune
It's all right though," she waved at foo, signaling him to follow her so they could round up the rest of the nakama.
The Science of Misfortune
It's all right though," she waved at foo, signaling him to follow her so they could round up the rest of the nakama.
When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be There
You're the chair of the current local council, known as the bayesian nakama, bayesian because you base your decisions on the probability of a good outcome.
If it got his back up, he probably wasn't a good match for the bayesian nakama. his face, when he turned, registered no resentment, just nervous relief that somefur had spoken to him.
Chapter 15 - Focus Eurasia! Return of the Chilling Assassin! (Part 1)
I got an invite from nakama himself. mind letting me and my friend in?", phrin asked cutely, pointing to the human way down on ground level. personally he had nothing against humans, but he couldn't speak for everyone else.
Clueless Season 2: The Ultimate Breakdown (of Ultimate Destiny) (Homecoming Out Part 6)
_i'm doing this for my nakama!_ _i must protecc scott-senpai's smile!_ _never give up on your dreams!_ _i'm pop flying?!_ _aw yeah, that's the shit!_ _"anti matter kick course diamble jambe force shot!"
The Collar
They talked about how nakama reinvented it to be more humane and beneficial with people being able to become slaves to wipe away their debts or crimes." dresnath nodded, "right.