Pasture Pleasures

"no sir....that is...i mean i'm neven..."neven said deciding that it would be best if he kept his tail low for the time being. "and i by no means meant to trespass upon your land." "i don't believe you did neven.

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What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 1: Confusion

neven and him cleared us a bit ago. we are guests now, not prisoners." she said, still smiling and tail wagging. "is it true?" i said to neven. "yes." she responded. "you have been cleared."

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What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 5: New Discovery.

We looked at the table, where neven was sitting, along with several other officers i had not seen, most likely the ones from the ship.

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What Universe Am I In? Chapter 2

neven runs a tight ship, but we do get a fair share of time off, and everyone has to work an even amount of night shifts, no matter your rank. commander neven wants us all to be used to that amount of demand." "sounds exactly like dillard."

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What Universe am I In??? Chapter: 0 (intro)

"this is commander neven. we need a medical team." james heard a weird sound, and saw two uniformed people run up, a female human, and a male human, but with the weird nose. "that was quick." james said, his comment ignored by neven.

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What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 4: Nature's Angels.

"at least i was the one that overided your door and came in, and not neven or someone else." "why?" i asked. "your naked and smell aweful....." he said with an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk. "oh yeah."

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What Universe Am I In? Chapter 1 (rewrite)

My name is commander neven. i have already explained everything to ms. bondarenko here, but i thought i would explain it to you as well, and answer any questions you have." i stared at her a bit longer.

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The Devil's Love: The Prologue

I was told repeatedly by my hatful father, that he wished that i had neven born, that he hated me and prayed and asked god were he went wrong--why he deserved to have a beast as a son. but yet . . . my mother told me the opposite.


What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 3: Love, Sex, and a Gun Battle.

neven's voice came over the intercom. devin swore. "come on! we need to get weapons! we gotta get to the armory!" he ran out the door and i followed.

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What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 2: Getting to Know Each Other Better

Commander neven had work to do, so said she would dine with us tomorrow night, and until then we had free access of the outpost, as long as we were escorted. i didn't realize how hungry i was until i entered the cafeteria. the smells were amazing.

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What Universe Am I In? Chapter 3

It has been checked over by us, and neven has cleared it. you can check on it, but just not your weapons." "good enough for now." i said. we walked into the storage bay where my skycar was parked. amongst the crates, i saw it.

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"my name's neven and i'll be taking care of you both this evening." all this head craning had my neck going stiff. still, i managed to glance up high enough to catch most of his smile. "...h-hey there." "how about we get you started with some drinks?"

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