It had started out as a mere passing. Kaleen had been in human form bathing in the river that her herd was currently grazing by. She was one of the few who...
The Time of My Life Character Sheet
He has a wing-span of 14 ft. and can only posess two elements. orientation: bi-sexual, but prefers males. favorite activity: video games and hanging out with friends.
Highborn Species datasheet
Facial structure more animalistic than humans, posessing muzzle and ears that sit atop the head that look like a mix between a cat and mouse.
Heroes Posessed: Prologue
#1 of heroes posessed my first attempt at a story i wish to publish. being homeless at the moment, chapters will be slow in coming. _my first attempt at a story i wish to publish.
Chaos 8
He knew what being posessed was like... he had seen plenty of heritcs with demons riding them - or at least they said they were posessed when 'questioned'. now, it was happening to him, and there wasn't much he could do about it.
Your death and how to cope with it Pt2
Casdey's breakdown meant i was not stupid enough to ask her to let me in, so simba gallantly allowed me to posess him for the trip back to central.
The Vincent Chronicles - Prologue
The gryphon, considered the most physically powerful of all beasts; this powerful being posesses the head and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion.
Seven-Tails, Chapter 1
He calls himself "Shichi", and says my job now is to support him. Like it was a choice. He let me write this. Maybe it's his way of bragging. Don't really know what a fox has to brag about, but I guess I'm supposed to be some kind of accomplishment....
A Roll of the Dice
White fur mixed with dark, and the tangle of furres moved faster as their lust further posessed them. darine clawed visciously in her passion at the feline's chest.
The Dream That Turned Real: The Canine Underworld - Part 3
What qualities to werewolves posess, that make us greater than humans?" "right now i'm not feeling that intelligent. could you fill in the answers for me?" "all right. we posess strength that no human can ever hope to have.
Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:30)
He looks posessed. you look at ludwig. you go in your half and half form. "now....i just saved your ass. you owe me 1. i`m not kidding." you say. ludwig looks up at you, angry. you go over to bowser. he looks down at you. you`re his new hero!
Bio: Richan
Bio: richan richanson is one of the many, many sucessors of the fanatical warrior paladin and the second paladin to not posess any magical ability.