It all happened so quickly. Once loaded onto the ship, the zoomed off to their next planet. 40 minutes of dead silence later and they landed gently. Chris was surprised that he didn't get motion sickness all throughout this endeavor in space. He knew...
K. P., the Reticent, Raunchy Rat
Name: Kapul Penori aka K.P. Species: Rat Age: 21 Height: 5' 6" ft. Weight: 461 lbs. Appearance: Cut, ripped and hard as a diamond, you'd be hard-ressed to find anything small about this rodent. He's not the tallest nagual around,...
Long Live the Witch
Zeke was even more reticent. "yeah, i'm not so sure i wanna give up all this for her." he flexed his minotaur muscles and gave them a kiss. hannah put her hands on her hips. that was it. hands were on hips now. things were more serious than ever.
By Luck or By Fate
Each entrance contributed to the mounting pressure in his groin, her walls parting reticently around him, drawing him closer and closer to release even with the condom in the way.
He is reticent and reclusive but with a certain pride that only comes from years of feeling so very isolated from; that he has come to imagine himself as a unicorn amongst daft equines. or perhaps more fittingly; a kitsune amongst foxes.
Grad-Bash Part 17
And kit wasn't the most...reticent. i remember one summer he had left for a couple weeks without anyone else's knowledge.
A Problem Solved (By VeronicaFox)
"why don't we see if you can't help some of your more reticent pokemon to come around, hm? think you'd like that? if you can convince them, then they'll be able to go along with you instead of having to wait for later."
Chapter Three
He understood that at some point he had a mother that wished him to have the flute, but others became reticent when he asked too many questions.
Breaktime Shorts 9
Tony was reticent, of course, and after violet threw up her hands in disgust with a "deal wif you son!" braxton promised to let him stay up late next time if he'd cooperate. violet was already in his room when he reached it.
A limo driver and five bossy boys kidnap a bike messenger
One would never guess that he was the second youngest of six males in his family, starting with grelfay and ending with their reticent brother; veldon.
Luan's House [Mini-Fic]
It didn't seem as though she hadn't noticed their reticence - but she didn't seem to care.
Dear Mama Kite
I showed the letter to my wife, and in light of marty's extremely wicked attitude she agreed to the punishment i had in mind, even though she was initially reticent about such a drastic action.