Trudging down a long beaten dirt road, three adventures were on their way home from exploring a nearby settlement ruins on a rumor that hidden treasure was locked inside. Days of exploring through the shattered village, the group's moral was running...
Anal, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Breast Fondling, DolledWolves, Double-Penetration, Feline, Female, Femboi, Heat, Hermaphrodite, Impregnation, M/F/H, Magic, Male, Messy, Multiple Species, Multiple orgasms, Panther, Semiconsensual, Sergal, Spanking, Vaginal, excessive cum, hellcat
Written by Choice Cuts Deli
Commission for Ristin Raccoon | June 2021 | 5348 Words
"Adiuro per magnum deum et per Anterotas..." A low and gravelly rumble filled the cold stone-lined laboratory. The hypnotic drone of Latin echoed through the tiny...
Baked, Cooking, Cooking Vore, Female, Fingering, Fox, Hog, Hybrid, Lust, M/F, Magic, Male, Necromancy, OVEN, Orgasm, Pain, Pig, PigCoon, Platter, Pussy, Raccoon, Reluctant, Revival, Semi-Con, Semi-consensual, Semiconsensual, Snuff, carving, gutting, ham, meat, multiboob, need, pleasure, roast, served, stuffing, swine, vore