Premature Ejaculations
Hello, and welcome to the latest chapter! If you have any comments, don't hesitate to drop a few lines once you're done. It'll help me be a better writer, and I appreciated each and every one of my comments. Votes, faves and watches are luvv as...
Born to Serve - 06
The sun shone into the eyes of a young woman who moaned like a petulant child at the thought of rising. It took a moment for her to realize that the world was not going to stop swaying and it took another few moments to remember why. It was a challenge...
The Summer BBQ
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Wolfy let out a long, slow yawn before rubbing his eyes with his...
Panic in the Pool
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Wolfy followed the rest of his class down the hall as they made...
Jeramiah's Day Off
It was beautiful spring day, the perfect day for a nude stroll through the woods. And it seems that the spotted bunny known as Jeramiah wasn't the only one to think so, as he spies a raccoon walking into the woods from the cliffside that he had...
One Night Stand
I knew how to get them. All of the young studs were so easy, so predictable but they were oblivious. I just stood in the doorway in practically nothing, just a black see through teddy that barely came down to my hips and stockings but he didn't even...
Bravery - Chapter 1 The ten seconds
I didn't know which one made me feel the worst, being a seriously bad bully, forcing a male to have oral sex with me or the premature ejaculation.
A Little Encouragement
Jake was almost there. He rubbed his stubby dick as birds were chirping outside the window of his bedroom. Summer had arrived. The panda caressed his sack with his left hand as he stroked himself with his right. Thoughts of his friend and him at the...
What Does It Feel Like? //Part 2
"Psst! Sleepy head!""Huh, wha...what happened?" Todd shook his head, drowsily mewling as his sister lapped at her gooey fur."Are you awake yet? Hey, listen to me!" said Poppy, patting her brother's chest.Todd looked down. His eyelids were heavy and his...
What Does It Feel Like? //Prologue
Poppy had never been very sociable, especially around boys. Her mother had always pegged her for a socialite, but a romantic? Not a chance. It's why Poppy spent so much time with her younger brother, Todd, and not other guys her age. They never did...
PokeSex Chapter 2: Misty x Wartortle
ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER "Easy there, boy." Misty said as she slipped out of her panties, her fully naked body on display as she lay down on her bed, legs spread wide. "Tort..." the male wartortle replied softly as he gazed at his...
At long last. A city of wings parody
Atlast was a black dragon with a disability, but that never stopped him, especially when it came to joining his best friend Jazz on her wild adventures. Atlast knew today would be no exception, during school Jazz had invited him back to her place for a...