Into the Depths of Love Ch. 1

This is a gift for Chaser!!! ;D I know I know.. usually anything close to a gift would probably be only one little story, but when I got the idea for this I knew I'd have to make it into several chapters, a lot, sooo yeah. It's adult for suggestive...

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GoD-Ep22-Darkness Civil war-

Davie grant simmons- punk rocker age-16 bio- from a rich family with a famous rock star father, he idolises his father and wants to become just as successful as him.

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Character Profile: Rabbit

Despite her treatment, rabbit seems to be less than spoiled compared to other members of the family... as well as members of other rich families.


Soul link, Chapter One

Yes, i'm the son of a rich family. my father is a private pokémon researcher with a personal laboratory in the mansion. my mom is a cloth designer, and a really good one too.

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DoC-Ep27-The Lost episode-

Lastly the gryphon family is one of those rich families that aren't that visible among the general public.

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Ep16-Father's attention-The Tamers of shadow

For one, they are a secretive rich family, who don't flaunt their money or power but it was unknown until recently that a nightwing was responsible for causing all this mess.

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Dragon's Gift - Chapter 7 (WIP)

And when i was a cub uh...i was given away to a rich family. rather i was sold to a rich family..." he whispered back to sakari. "as i grew up, i was always teased by my siblings cause i was the only cougar in an all coyote family.

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Peace and Worry

Ghost correctly assumed that royal elite was a name for a rich family, ones that somehow had quite a bit of sway in the dragon society enough to distract the heads of military.

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The History of the Aeon Universe: the Six Drives

This drive is said to be a lost dragoinian treasure founded by a rich family who then used it to end a war between two warring states. the drive is said to be lost or hidden away. 6. the shrodinger's drive.


Innocent Love

One from a rich family who lives half way across the world and a pauper who is so poor that they have to live pay check to pay check. chelsea sighed as she got online and began to blog.

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New World: The letter

It caused the panic of century from sons of rich families, refugees, patients at hospitals, hobos, huge slums turned to ghost cities. everyone was gone along with certain percentage of every country.

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Where... am I? Chapter One

My sister and i weren't spoiled brats like most rich family kids as well. my name is refr, my little sisters name is glacia (glay-shuh). we are a family of arctic foxes. my parents were in their room doing, god knows what.

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