The Shepherd
Shepherd - satire, m/m, anal/oral/semi-nc - april 21, 2010 by afril, with help from chaos blackwing (cl) the gay furry association wolves, rams and a hunky shepherd all the wolves were afraid of the shepherd - he wielded his staff very well.
Digi Tails 3
, semi-nc - november 27, 1999 digi tails 3 - version 1.2 ( typo's ) by swamprat - with help from blakmane (cl) 1999 gay furry association more digital antics - based on an interesting drawing of a female gazumon by singshow note - some have
Grimms 1
Grimms1.txt - m/m, semi-nc/oral/anal/bondage - 1990 fairy tales with a twist - by swamprat (c) 1990 the brotherhood of pan 1994 gay furry association story #1 - red hood red looked over his assortment of paraphernalia.
Boydrag.txt - m/m, semi-nc/mind-control/vore, dragon/boy - october 09, 1999 by swamprat (cl) 1999 gay furry association this is not how this story started out..
Griff.txt - m/m, semi-nc/oral/anal - october 02, 2000 by swamprat (cl) 2000 gay furry association a griffin gets his wish - yes katrus, i finally got it done.. the griffin was scrawny, a runt. he could fly.. just.
Fawn.txt - m/m - semi-nc, oral/anal - march 19, 2002 by swamprat (cl) 2002 gay furry association a fawn finds plenty of things to suck on the fawn lay in the grass, waiting.
Beartails.txt - m/f, m/m - oral, semi-nc - july 17, 2004 a prostitute bruin by swamprat (cl) 2004 gay furry association along the road between roke and mazthere is 300km of nothing. nothing but wind and ice and snow... and bears.
Fillerup.txt - m/f, semi-nc, human/saurian - november 01, 2000 by swamprat (cl) 2000 gay furry association this one came about from a nature series - a man was asked how he kept 5 wives.
Sin University: Part 6 Work study
I sighed wishfully and stared at the clock on the wall, still having 2 hours left on my shift in the school cafeteria. Sure the work study program keeps cash in my pocket, but being back in the kitchen is loud and hot. Looking back down as I chopped up...
Altdoom2.txt - m/m, semi-nc - august 05, 2004 the continuing adventures of karrlt by swamprat (cl) 2003, 2004 - gay furry association karrlt stomped his hoof in aggravation. "you wish something lord?"
Red2.txt- m/f, semi-nc - july 13, 2003 another tail of mice and foxes by swamprat (cl) 2003 - gay furry association a fox sauntered up the pathway, and saw a mousegirl sweeping the front steps. "hello little one..
After Twenty, Another Slant (alternative)
After20d.txt (m/m, semi-nc/rape, felines/canine) after twenty, another slant - i never was much for bullies.. version 1.3 added more to the ending, fixed a few things.