Hellbound Chapter 5 "The Truth"
Chapter 5 "The Truth" The night was still young when they returned home. It seemed everything had settles down, no demons were spotted in the sky and the moon was shining bright as ever over the wasteland. She parked the ATV back in the...
Fade To Black Chapter 4 "Their Purpose"
Chapter 4 "Their Purpose" The streets trembled as the beast proceeded into the town. It's one objective, ravage the city, however those plans were halted when a strange duo appeared in front of him . "Think we can take him?" Daren looked up as...
Comrades in Arms
The year is 0986 of the Ethrallean Empire, five years after the SpawnFire Armada was pacified. Four noble warriors found the power to over throw them for good. As of late they've been traveling around the kingdom tying up lose ends. In the hopes of...
Comrades in Arms
Then, with a happy bark, he sprang off of her and down the alley after his comrade in arms, racing off down the twilit path towards the delightful wafting aroma of their spoils. \*\*\* running along at full speed, balto was amazed to find the
Meetings of comrades
Alrighty, here we go, another chapter of the Odds Against. I kinda felt like I had been neglecting this story line recently, so I hope you enjoy this story. As always, comments are appreciated and requested. ...
Far Future - Comrades
"goodbye comrade smudge."
Comrades In Arms (Book7, Chapter9)
Chapter -9- comrades in arms _monday, july 19, 2049 - 2pm local time killona, louisiana_ ...
Comrades in Arms (a Gift Story)
I am very pleased and grateful to him for it and hope you will go check out his other works. http://deltroon1986.sofurry.com/ comrades in arms the year is 0986 of the ethrallean empire, five years after the spawnfire armada was pacified.
It is Sweet and Good
We carried our fallen comrade back to base, his blood making out a crimson line that soon mixed in with the sludge. we lay him in the wagon, his white eyes still writhing in his skull.
Comrade Riders, One: Major Event Callout
#1 of comrade riders chapter 1: major event callout. this is really just some random story i couldn't get out of my head for the longest time now, so i just wrote it and here you go. it's not gonna be long, maybe just some 7 or 8 chapters.
Project Wolfen: Part Two
Thought, comrade alpha!
Project Wolfen: Part One
"alexei, comrade... please do not beat me unnecessarily.