A bunch of questions answered about me. Thanks Arctic. Jerk.
Uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win? i much prefer the evade and out manuver tactic to that situation. 7.) riiiight...have any family members?
She started attacking him instead; i could not take it anymore so i had to get out of house. thankfully he didn't let me go out alone. i hate to beg, but i really need commission money it's my only source of income.
Per Patientia ch. 3
Chances are the storm'll be over by then anyway, so get your rest." the ferret made to get into his bedroll then, but remembered their guest. he turned back to her and said, "sorry about that .. you can take this one."
Theta IX: Fugit
In the cards | short story
He did the same and tried to get some life into asher: "hey asher let's get you to bed." asher, half asleep mumbled something: "hey.. he.. billy i love you man... love..." he dozed off completely.
A Frightful Discovery
For a few minutes, all montgomery's friends could get out of him was more tears, and groans, and god knew what else. in an unconscious collective, rather get-along kind of way, everyone thought at once _must be something serious_.
Not Giving up
Ray, not wanting to make outcast feel guilty, smiles at him "you did not wake me up, i was about to get up my self." ray removes the sheets uncovering their exposed bodies, stretching before getting off to make a midnight drink.
Bank Job
We been together for seven years now and getting ready for a baby boy to come in the world.
Fat Men's Club [Part 1]
"if you're all done messing around, lets get this show on the road. buck was kind enough to supply the drinks for tonight, so don't be too nasty to him." "hope ya picked something good."
The First Contact
I tried to get it out of her. _new suspension points longer this time. okay, it starts to get weird here._ "hello?" "yes, sorry. it's just... err...
Run like hell
You turn and dash toward the far side of the island and reach the shore. You see a scaly body out in the ocean break the surface and then slink back down below the water again. Then you see and feel a claw wrap around you and are lifted up to look the...
Encounter With a Human, pt 3
"lets get ready this hay for market, shall we?" that was aspis' cue to slip out. the green forest dragon slipped out as kerry got off the wagon and looked to his horse.