Initiating Your Younger Brother
glowsticks asked with a cheeky grin.
New to the scene
It made arcs and trails of light that were just amazing to watch before the fox quickly spun around letting the glowsticks form a ring of light around his body before twisting his body and deftly catching the glowsticks in opposite paws.
Beginnings Ch. 6
Moving, dancing, waving his glowsticks. glowsticks. i had almost forgotten they were in my hands. i spun them in a circle. in the darkness they left trails of light that glowed for a second before extinguishing. i loved this.
The fox barely began to scream before marco rammed the glowstick club into the foxes mouth. the foxes face went into an expression of shock as the end of the glowstick shattered the back of his head.
Dragon's Rebirth
Yas let his eyes slide back to frey and then with his hand he pointed to the glowstick. frey grinned and tossed him one before she went back to impaling herself with a bright red glowstick.
Enderhusk: The Surreal Adventures of a Wolf and a Husky (Part One)
I couldn't help but laugh at demlark's quick show of jealousy and at the gay cross-dressing hovers jetpack prostitute glowstick-aficionado and enthusiast's desperate face.
02A - Much Earlier...
The chemical glowstick taped onto the wall opposite is the only illumination that this tank has seen in nearly a century. his fur is white, grubby in places from being in contact with this pace and it's environs.
Dragon's Carnival - Part 3
Even the boat and the glowstick faded into obscurity and became the substance that they now were comprised of.
A Bumpy Rave
I myself was giving people a light show with my various led glowsticks. my mane swished back and forth as i spun around with my spinning glowsticks.
Glowsticks [German] {m/m, bondage}
Die ratte lag mit auf dem rücken verschränkten armen und mit ein paar glowsticks um die schnauze gewickelt da.
Chapter Three - Dallas Takes Charge
Frowning, i followed him, picking up my glowstick as i ran. so what happened to migrating all of the leader stuff to me? i thought to myself as i slowed down to a walk, sighing as i entered the main room and dropped my glowstick.
Guilty Pleasure
The items - the milker, the glowsticks - were added to the mess on the floor, already forgotten, before ravage gently lifted firenze's tails.