Tale 1-3 - Road Food
She leaned back again, her front legs no longer reaching past her overstuffed, gluttonous belly as she tried to rock back further.
Sarah and the Glutton Gryphon
She ran a hand over her rounded form, and smiled a little when she felt no trace of the glutton gryphon.
[c] The glutton's comeuppance
Amidst the sound of the water surging into the gluttonous explorer was another sound--cynders's voice, trailing whimpers throughout the night air. soon enough, the would-be thief was forced onto his back, his belly continuing to swell outwards.
WereLords - Chapter 8: Twisted Faith
The bulge slowly travelled down glutton's throat down into his already large belly.
Taming the Beast
Such a hopeless glutton, tasting and indulging all leading to his slow undoing! such a graceful glutton.
Dr. Eel's Lunch
"i didn't think it was a real doctor's lunch." the glutton took an other bite of the philly cheesesteak, noisily chewing and smacking his lips.
Soft Served
The bunny shivered under his touch and renewed her gluttonous efforts, intent on adding even more to her generous flab.
Into the Mansion
It took several courses for the rebellious spark in his eye to gloss over, but he gave in to gluttonous submission just like the rest.
Soft Cover
Her own modest stack of platters gathered amid her mistress's towers, a growing monument in her gluttonous landscape.
Or rather, frowning at the bit of head that could be seen over his own belly horizon, a commonplace issue for the gluttonous mountain of wolfdragon.
The Deal with Airline Food
The commotion roused the gluttonous passengers, and at the first available instant, they requested their second helpings.
Orbital Drop
Both gluttons just wanted food to begin entering them, to satisfy a greed which had rendered res immobile and his stomach the size of a two-story house.