We come from different times From different realms Yet we know much about each other Though we don't know one another, we only know the others presence We are as one would be Two bodies, though shared.......and a little broken We know the others...
Crusader Epilogue
^^ za'vara is standing where she was when she activated the massive relic of the mystic race, now that her race has returned, they can organize this chaotic universe.
Walk of Fox
After spending so much of my day so far walking around and hunting the various rodents in this place I decide that I want to take a break for a few minutes. Seeing something of interest I move over and then hop onto a bench that is not a bench near one...
Chicken Bones (Thursday Prompt 13/9/12)
Chicken bones are well worth the scavenge if you can get to them. They seem to predict much better than others. To this day they've never made a mistake. I've been using them for years and they never let me down. Of course, the universe has a way of...
The Mystic Valley
"i guess the legends are true," he muttered to himself, "the mystic valley does exist!" luke's ears perked up. "what? you mean this is the mystic valley? i thought it was just some fairytale mothers tell their children!" exclaimed luke.
Mystic Forest
Blizzard tossed her mane with a whispery sigh. The mare kept her stride light as she strode through the forest. Her hooves barely whispered across the ground. Touching the grass itself with the lightness of a drifting snowflake. She was in her forest....
Mystics lover
Mia raises her head to give a kiss on mystic's muzzle. mystic lowered her hindquarters to make her lovers sex grind against hers. they both produced a horny groan when theirecookies made a loud \*schlck\*. mystic kept up the grinding and humping.
Mystic Squeaks
A gentle singing noise rang out in the darkness behind the sounds of gentle wing beats, a pokémon wearing dark clothes slowly descending to the ground before landing with a gentle '_pomph'_. Dust...
Getting Mystical
There was this girl that I had been chatting with for a couple of years. She was a charmer, able to flirt and engage in small talk in equal measure. We had even begun going on dates to the local bistro, where her fondness of cheap wine became...
Urban Mystic
"maybe we'll be the ones helping to herald a new age of mysticism. with the increase in supernatural activity, this could be a sign that magic is returning to our realm.
A Mystic Morning
What made kemper's skin glow so immediately and so rosy red was what he could see, and what he could hear all around him within the mystic springs oasis naturalist community.
Chapter 1:Just a myth "Keep up son! It's not gonna stay sunny forever!" Said a large, hefty man hiking in the woods. Behind him was a young and lean teenage boy trudging along with his oversized backpack. The boy took a deep breath and said. "I...