Open Casket
The preist bowed his head and opened the good book, preaching words of faith for mike. the preist was odd, a short, simple arctic fox. i flashed my eyes wide open, but ducked my head, and read the old preists' mind.
Never Retired at the Bar (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The coyote shuffled towards the bar with an expression of anxiety, the drab waiter's apron stained with more spilled drinks and dropped sauces than could be seen in the pale night's glow. "Hey, Chere, there's some drifter out front." The old dragon...
The Quest for the Holy Dildo #22
The crowd quieted as the preist of mara stood in front of them, holding his hands up and beginning the ritual. | [!
Me a sodomite in the middle of a busy street with hot tears of shame and loathing for the preist and myse pouringlf down my face.
New Moon
Hello my name is reverened, but most people just call me rev, i was once a preist for the human an furries.
Snake Goddess
He was no-one in particular his father is...was one of the preists but he never expected to be meeting the thing he worshipped let alone owe it...her any favours.
The high preist, his evil doppelganger, and... "isis?!" he blurted out shocked by this realization for the girl would have to be close to twelve thousand years old now yet her voice had not changed at all.
the journal of wolf man J
Even the preists have said it must be evil. than again were only human, i mean really..well once i get this beast, i will be rich!
Koranth & Larik
Some of the other instructors and preists have taken a keen eye to him as well, but i, as the head of the council, have claimed him as my student, and for only the second time in 500 years, have i used my position to hold the masses at bay.
A rabbit, a hamster, and a monk.txt
"you don't have preists, or pastors?" "actually, we have priests and pristesses." "you allow females monks in your order." "actually, most monastaries do. but, they're called 'nuns', not munks.
Demon's Bath
The two panther men were on the floor now, underneath their masters dick as it steadily belched seed onto the bound preist, holding their bodies close together and kissing.
Aaru - Chapter 23 (Meeting the Oracle)
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* CHAPTER 23 \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Three sharp knocks roused me from my slumber. With an annoyed grunt I rolled over and looked at the source of the noise. I shook off my sleepy daze and opened the door. On the other side...