Soft divot on the surface of the udder.
Udder Disaster
He'd just call this an udder inconvenience.
Udder Cream
The bathroom door creeks open as glen emerges from the locker room, her udder sloshing with each movement. jensen has dozed off on the bench, but the tell-tale erection in his shorts show glen the udder cream is working.
Udderly Forgetful
Her eyes went wide at the sight of her udder still growing!
Udder Disaster
Lifting his head up and holding his udders, he let out a loud moo that shook the house. after the transformation was complete, he checked himself out. he took and udder and squeezed it, milk squirt from it across the room.
Hotel Peeks - Cow Udder Vore
Soon, the only thing left outside of the udder were your wiggling feet - and those quickly disappeared as well with a wet \*pop!\*, your whole body now curled up nice and snug inside the cow's swollen udder...
Malevolent conquest story
The sight of one mare lying on her back, her swollen udder exposed, while the other mare presses her own udder against udder, sends a rush of heat through his body.
Experimenting (Vore Story)
The udder continued to open up for a few more seconds, until a jagged, drooly udder maw was on full display for the labrador!
Milking Stable story
The white mare, in a playful gesture, lets go of the brown mare's udder, creating a shower of milk that splashes away. turning over, she presses her udder against the udder of the brown mare, engaging in a sensual rub.
Meeting Milani (Vore Story)
The tight udder "throat" clinched tight around evan's upper body, sucking up more of the kobold and plunging his head up through an opening into the udder proper.
Tiny Problems (Vore Story)
He was having trouble staying above the waterline, though, the udder certainly swollen with milk at this point...toby could feel it, too. there was a mounting pressure in his udder that needed to be relieved, asap!
Vook's Farm Days: Discoveries
She teased, reaching down and stroking her own huge udder, which was slightly larger than emily's, all four teats erect, constant flow of milk coming out of them. "w-wow... that udder is huge..."