Trial of Destiny
- this court is now in session for the trial of atlas extraction and refinement company answering to the galactic union.
Science Amongst the Stars
And of course money since the union does pays excellent wages for this job. - heh, looks like you have it good. just remember to be careful, alright? after all, we're dealing with unknown species here.
The union
Waving them off as the get in their car, a joyful union from now until years far.
Everything was ready. The area had been consecrated as per Neiame's specifications. The gate had been constructed exactly as needed, complete with the focusing crystal atop the pedestal. The summoning of the Vela'Alari was at hand. She had everything...
Shattered Union Prologue
#1 of shattered union this is a fanfiction made based from the game 'shattered union', edited for the furry fandom. the contents are highly political, as the reason why the union shatters is political in the game.
**tales of lupone # 3 ©** by lupone silverpaw and lunablaze glazer **union of the taurs** 2377 unknown planet.
Winters Union
It was many years later that both latnor and i accepted a union of the soul before the druids of the high bough. i accepted him as my head, and he took me as his hen - and we admitted to one another we loved and cared.
**family union** by crysteen icewolf prelude. earth 2349 america.
A song of union
Here's submission number four here on Yiffstar from me, with undoubtedly more entering the works in the future at some point, perhaps even another series. Anyone wants to catch me, I hang around the forums and chat every so often. Just thought I'd say...
Summoner's Union
For the moment, it was time to more deeply explore their union.
Sweet Union
Felipe rolled his wings and waited. Oh he was eager, more than eager. The loggers had been cleared out. The Spix thought they were allies. It was part of a longer plan of his. Sure, an alliance would be nice, but there are plenty of things that'd...
**SOLARBLAZE'S THERAPY**. © By Solarblaze Glazer. Session One. Chakona 2341 The silver PTV drove into the Amistad airport parking lot, the driver located an empty spot and parked his vehicle into it. A middle aged human,...