Ring a Different Tune [COM]
xolotl hastily followed his brother into their backyard.
Superhero 7
xolotl almost laughed, knowing john was flat immune to that sort of blasting attack.
Another Coyote
For xolotl, it only made the canid seem all the more odd to them, and therefore, interesting.
Superhero 12
Chapter 12 xolotl laughed, and moved, crackled, and _danced,_ to the pounding beat of drums only he could hear.
Seasonal Recharge
"you did great," whispered the older xolotl. the ancestor removed himself out of the room after signaling to the remaining members; they were now free to give their own talent to the scion.
Related by Blood, Tempted by Flesh
This was not like xolotl at all. xolotl drew back, and xipe totec stepped forward top retrieve the strange box. tízoc rocked back and forth on his knees, chanting an ancient ward against evil and trickery.
Fun at the mall (revised edition)
The two main characters, xolotl and bastet, are named after deities from different parts of the world- xolotl -xo- is an aztec coyote god, bastet -tia- an egyptian cat goddess.
No longer simply joshua merchant, no longer the aztecan god of death, xolotl, the cenobite picasso looked down to the lament configuration thrumming between his scarred paws.
Superhero 2
"it's xolotl while i'm wearing the suit." tokamak's shining armored suit tilted its head to one side slightly, in a fashion not unlike a four-legged dog. "xolotl? i know that name."
Legend of the Justicar Act1/Part 5
[andromeda galaxy/ draconian kingdom controlled territory/ xolotl cluster/planet drakos / caer scalesworn /2nd dynasty] arjun followed the fifteen century looking knight through an incredibly large hallway.
Superhero 4
Jeff-xolotl pounded himself against his lover harder, as their tongues warred for dominance in the shared humid cave of their muzzles.
Rarity's Royal Ravishment under a Misbegotten Marriage to Molestia's Magnificent and Majestic Meat
//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Rarity's Royal Ravishment under a Misbegotten Marriage to Molestia's Magnificent and Majestic Meat // by OccasionalClopfic //------------------------------// It was a pleasant summer day...