Locker Room Cub 3

Not to mention he had taken advantage of darin after he had been assaulted in the locker room. averal knew what had happened to the pup was no dream as he smelt the vestige of seed coming from the boy.

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Locker Room Cub 2

Clicking off the light darin grabbed his school bag from his dad's office and locked the locker room and gymnasium before heading out to the school parking lot.

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A Vixen in the boys locker room

Not expecting anyone else to be in the locker room, tanner began to dry his fur walking towards his locker room.

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Locker Room Confessions: Adam

locker room confessions volume two "adam" throughout my high school career, there's one thing i've learned, and that's to never trust a jock.

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Locker Room Confessions: Jake

locker room confessions volume one "jake" throughout my high school career, there's one thing i've learned, and that's to never trust a jock.

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Locker Room Cub 10

#11 of locker room cub when the three canids woke it was with dave rolling his head to his left and right and blurred vision making him blink as two red tongues licked over his muzzle.

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Locker Room Cub 9.5

#10 of locker room cub when dave woke up it was to licks and nips against his chin. the greyhound couldn't stop the groans from parting his lips as he eyes blinked open to see both darin and averal adorning him with their own brand of special attention.

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Locker Room Cub 9

#9 of locker room cub averal breath gushed from his dark lips in a harsh pant when he got into the lobby area of the hospital.

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Locker Room Cub 8

#8 of locker room cub averal sat on the couch in his living room staring off into space. for some reason he didn't feel as much satisfaction as he thought he would have and it made him wonder.

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Locker Room Cub 7

#7 of locker room cub averal sighed as he lay in bed with his arms behind his head looking up to the ceiling but then again not looking.

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Locker Room Cub 6

#6 of locker room cub by the time school had started again after the break darin and averal were back to their usual routine as always, but with a new twist on things.

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Locker Room Cub 5

#5 of locker room cub the short drive back home during the early evening had taken its toll on averal as the lupine stopped the car and yawned showing off an impressive set of fangs to the world.

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