Playing in the Back Pew

Isn't that true my sex fiend of a pet?" i said while pushing it deeper in.

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Brothel to Another World: Chapter 0

True, she was at least slightly biased, being a literal sex demoness. but nymova had always believed that sex was a crucial part of the sentient experience. "first rule, pleasure is not a sin. shared pleasure is a blessing."

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Apropos (Chapter5, Book8)

Let's face it, you ain't my favorite sex demon right now_." she snorted. "i'm the only sex demon you know." "_you know what i meant. look, i cain't hold that shit over yer head no more.

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Detective Sphinx Investigates

She was a rather skilled sex demon who had made a name for herself over the years but somehow managed to not turn into a total whore.

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[c] Zellorin's Eggcellent Evening 1

She, the predatory sex demoness, had found herself snared by something with lewd designs toward her. the tables had turned, and there was nothing she could do about it. well, she thought, at least i can feed on this creature's lusts.

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Chronicles of Aramat: Hellroses WIP

I'll kill every fucking demon here. they took him from me.. i.. i'll take their lives from them.." juda nodded and approached the tattered armor. unsurprised to find bones just underneath it. "zeke, prep a burial bag. we'll take him home..

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First Sight

You can't really blame me since i'm a sex demon after all but... what are you doing? oh, heh. did i give that good of a description? well i have to say i like to remember every detail of my more pleasant partners. don't be embarrassed.

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AjiVillage 3

He had gotten up early, taken his spear and got away from the sex-fiend of a sheep who made his balls ache. now they ached worse as the male knelt and licked them softly. "i could be your husband..." wha?!

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Exploration RLA: Part 9: The Scouter's Ball - The Afterparty

I stood there for a bit, pondering what took me over from getting rest to being a sex fiend all night. i was for sure not going to let anyone have at me for the rest of the day. it was just hurting way too much.

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Von Dobermann - Beginnings

Not treated like a sex fiend! that was the first time i went to jail. mister kline was very disappointed in me. "that cheetah is in the icu" he had told me on the ride home after bailing me out. "he should've kept his dumb mouth shut" i retorted.

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Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Majh Blackpaw)

You're fucking demons!" screamed the human, but majh silenced him with another shift of more weight onto the bath. "oh come come, ouinn... surely you can be reasonable. "we've only just begun.

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Peter's Transformation: Chapter 4

Agumon001 traveled to the local water supply and, being the lust driven sex demon he was, had multiple orgasms into the stream, injecting it with copious amounts of cum and giving it a slight yellowish-white color (which dissipated as it went further

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