Wolf Spirits

Children, who would grow unnaturally strong, and unnaturally fast, offering their tithing to the spirits of the wolf. end.

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The Forest Spirit

'a charm to deter evil spirits.' she recognized the writing flipping it over a few times. the kitsune ripped the paper in half and set the two pieces aflame with a disdainful frown. 'i am not an evil spirit!'

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Spirit of freedom.txt

spirit of freedom what is it what you want from me, why do you want to kill me you want to hunt me down, cause you want my fur for your own my fur is white, i have to strike!

A Spirited Encounter

"Why hello there, I didn't expect to see anyone else in here today." I started a moment at the sudden voice. The spa had been empty the past hour, and I'd taken advantage of it to shirk my trunks. It was always clothing optional so it was not like it...

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Restless Spirits

_"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana_ _"I've got news for Mr. Santayana: We're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive." -- Kurt Vonnegut_ "Can I help you?" The...

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The Spirit of the Season

**the spirit of the season** ** ** so i was having trouble getting into the holiday spirit recently, a lot of annoying things cropped up and i was just getting extraordinarily frustrated with a lot of things.

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The Spirit of Christmas

The girl asked nervously, blushing, did she have the spirit of christmas inside of her now?

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Competitive Spirits

"Yeah! Kirby for the win!" The voice belonged to Shenti, a dragongod of titanic proportions. She was a hermaphrodite and stood 24ft tall. Every inch of her was swollen with rippling muscles that bulged against each other. The slightest motions would...

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The Christmas Spirit

Terry and Adam had come in on a whim. They already had gifts for each other, and were still looking for gifts when they'd taken a wrong turn and ended up somewhere that at least gave them a laugh. Adam had asked, "Do you want to go in? We could get...

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Spirit of Hospitality

Even if he had ulterior motives, she could not see them at the time, and the death of her and her unborn children would have weighed much more heavily on her spirit in the afterlife, had he not come to her aid. "dammit... damn you. damn you."

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