North and South Chapter 6: The Brothers

The monastery was still a day's journey from Calygrad, but the trio made good time thanks to the help from King Calyrex. He had topped up their supplies for them, and procured a more up-to-date map. This proved fortuitous as it turned out the map they...

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North and South Chapter 5: The Signs

The remnants of a mining operation were clear as day. Kage surveyed the scene from the shadows of an overhang, seeing the unnaturally hewn rock formations throughout the pit, gathered into piles as they were carted out from underground. A few stray...

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North and South Chapter 4: Calygrad

Valvatna... The rustic port city brought back so many memories to the three as they disembarked from the ship, following the other passengers across the ramp to the pier. The town looked just as they remembered it - a collection of homes, built of...

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North and South Chapter 3: The Lone Island

The journey to the southern islands was easily a week from Hadleigh, even considering the speed at which the Trident could travel, but the specialists were taking longer. They added days to their journey to train together, familiarize themselves with...

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West Islands Chapter 7: Assault on the Fortress

It was the dead of night, with clouds thick enough to block out the moon and stars blanketing the sky, leaving the ocean an inky black as far as the eye could see, with the only sources of light being the many torches that lined the crenellations upon...

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Fallout: The Winter Wasteland: Predators

The journey down the steps from the mouth of the vault was unnerving, even to one such as Veronica. A slip or a misstep, and she would fall down the mountainside. The journey was made even more agonizing by the wind that blew through the trees; she had...

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Fallout: The Winter Wasteland: Vault 228

_Vault 228, British Columbia, near the ruins of the city of Vancouver..._ The air was still and eerily silent as Veronica made her rounds through the halls of the maintenance department. It was late at night -as least what counted for night here in...

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Avolon: Os-Nadarra Prime Volume 1

Avolon. Island City of the north, surrounded by the Sea of the Raven, named for the ruling family -the Lo'Ravens. It was a city of foggy weather, of brilliant inventions and cultural diversity. And, most noteworthy of all, its grand market and...

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Fallen Kingdoms of Baruun: Broken Shackle (Preview)

[u](Paragraphing was ruined by the copy-paste; sorry \>.\<)[/u] Chapter 1: New Lives The three felinoids moved carefully between the trees as they made their way deep into the overgrowth, their paw-steps silent on the jungle floor, every so often...

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Out Of The Bag

In a youngster's life in school, especially the college years, people often prioritize image over everything. Even the bookworms work hard to be not behind their schedule, recognized by the fellow students while gathering together in study sessions....

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The Best, Worst Show

Wicked Jerry's Amazing Circus had a high reputation, despite its peculiar name. But anyone could get something to ease their minds in these difficult times, from wonderful acrobatics, skilled but somewhat terrifying clowns, to unreal personas like a...

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Like A Thorn In The Eye

Almost all of the intelligent species across the universe have their own version of hell, often linked to eternal pain and torture, or just plain boredom within extremely hold or cold environment. It was all true, but not like those species imagined...

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