To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 21

The necklace and medallion became a silver charm on sarina's necklace, which only she could see or touch.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 26

Cindy relaxed her neck as she reached up to play with the rose medallion. luna did the same with the initial medallion on her choker. the two nuzzled up to the guys, bringing everyone closer as they kissed.

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Femme (Fox) Fetale

If it had been the medallion that changed them, perhaps geoff had found something near the cabin that could cure them.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 1

He turned around and presented his opened paw on which lied a round medallion, it surface was scratched and dented.

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Ash couldn't help but look at how the medallion glimmered in the light, his eyes being drawn into the magical blue colors. jador noticed ash's interest and covered up the shining medallion with his hands. "aheh...i'll get to you in a bit, ash.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6

medallion says as shi enters the living room. "hey dallie, doc meet medallion, child of sunspot and fireblaze. dallie, jack xanotos, chief scientist at globaltech industries." "globaltech, wasn't that where.." "where i originally came from yes."

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 4

Shi and medallion helped me through a traumatic time and after the bombing i agreed to be hir mate." "and sunspot and fireblaze?"

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All's fair... Ch. 4

"then we'll be on our way and, you can take back your medallion," otto said. sheila scowled at him, the elder laughed. "keep the medallion boy, the woman stays with us until you have done what i will ask. a fair trade, if you will," he snapped.

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A Raptor in Radaxian's Court 2 - Ken

"he gave me this map, and this medallion." when alex produced the medallion to dangle from his fist before the old man, a look of shock came over him, halfway to a heart attack even that worried both the younger travellers.

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The Dragons Day

Bill tied him to a chair and walked over to the case that held the medallion.

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It was the cross medallion that his grandfather's spirit had given him. and, as he brushed it with his thumb, he knew suddenly that the dream had been real. tucking the medallion back into his pocket thoughtfully, he smiled.

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The Last Medallion - Chp 2 - The Marven

Theora gingerly moved the rag under the golden medallion that gently floated atop an intricate stasis column of her own design. the medallion was ancient, older than the temple theora stood in.

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