A Wolf on Sauria Ch.3

You always manage to snatch victory out of my jaws, starfox. every single time we cross paths. i've always dreamed of blasting you out of the sky.

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W+P/F=D (Wolf and Panther over Fox equals drool) Part 3

It won't be the last starfox story i write, just of this w+p/f=d series. this is finally the story based off of my photo. so anyways, i realized i never put disclaimers in my other stories. and i'm not going to. enjoy! p.s.

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true friends

Another starfox story this time fox and falco all characters copyright of nintendo \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\

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Starfox: Dinner Guest

#1 of starfox fox mccloud woke up, yawning and trying to blink away the sleep from his eyes. he stretched his arms and looked over at his clock; it was 9 a.m.

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Starfox: Ghost [Chapter 4]

#4 of starfox: ghost only steps outside the engineering bay, it was obvious the ultraviolet was being stormed. fox only had seconds before a pair of pirates appeared.

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Rise of the Alters: Chapter 3

"i know starfox and they wouldn't willingly help out some dangerous outlaw if they knew who it was." "even so, they are still helping him." "and you plan to go after them?"

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Starfox: Pigma's Captives

But the pig was also greedy, and close to the starfox team. the promise of a few credits was enough to persuade him into plotting against them, and that's what andross needed; someone who starfox trusted. "go on..." andross said.

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The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One Brief Intro (Story will be up very soon!)

, tala, rehzi, bailey, emperor kovsai from fluffkevlar's universe) and finally a guest appearance from starfox starring krystal.


The Horned Smuggler

So don't expect the timeline to be accurate to established starfox lure. if that's what you're here for, then i'm not your guy.

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Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 4 Cry Me A River

Hanging with morrell, a human named ryan, lucian brothers and now starfox, i felt like we were like a band like new kids on the block, n'sync or the backstreet boys.

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Tails of the Stars 4 - The Deep Blue Wonder

starfox is copyrighted to nintendo, finalgamer to me. james returned to the great fox temporarily to hear what slippy had discovered about him.

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