Disaster Averted
Both seemed to have an instinct for hand to hand combat and their bond seemed stronger than any other pair.
Cypress Wolf Pack Chapter Two: Trails Of A Fresh Alpha
She wasn't joking when she said no one could beat her in hand to hand combat. she parried and fought with ease while the lumbering wolf seemed to be getting short of breath.
Galactic Ranger CYOA Part One
\*hand to hand-the character is mostly focused on hand to hand combat. the body itself is a weapon and the character learns how to use it to its fullest potential.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 12
Using only claws, ifrit still managed to hold on his own grounds, but a wrath demon mastered every known hand-to-hand combat technique known to a demon, and possibly from the damned souls.
Silverback Episode 8
The rest of the time was filled with class time, hand to hand combat training, and firing rifles. sergeant dilis wanted us to be the best section in the entire battalion. discipline was instilled and we both upheld it to the highest standard.
Military Measures -- Chapter 2 -- Part One -- {A Mysterious Organization}
Who specializes in hand to hand combat, fighting based attacks, like yours, jason. and he's been feared for causing types of ghastly illusions that broke a lot of minds, with his psychic abilities. he also wields katanas as weapons, and is.."
Welcome To Kentham
He knew he was this dark wolf's superior in hand to hand combat. but he could tell there was something more to this wolf. and he wanted to know what it was. "release my staff...."
Gatomon finally chooses her life partner
"doing good gatomon, you've certainly improved on your hand to hand combat," patamon complimented the girl. gatomon smiled as she looked behind "thanks patam.... arghh!"
The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark Master 4
"and plus you need to know hand to hand combat, i'm sure spyro will help you with that; right spyro?" spyro nodded his head and turned to brandon. "but just because we're friends, don't think i'm going easy on you!" brandon only chuckled and nodded.
A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: chapter 3
The lion and shepherd repeated this sequence a few times until lejon decided to switch the baton for hand to hand combat; he grabbed the shepherd's wrist as the knife passed inches around his face, twisted it behind the shepherd's back and broke his thumb
Chapter 4 - Start Up the Gundams
I've piloted one myself but the controls were hard to understand so i became a commanding officer for hand to hand combat instead of robot to robot," said li'thel. "i still can't believe that gundams actually exist," said liek.
Back to Basics
Ft shrugged, "i was thinking hand to hand combat, and whoever wins gets free reign over the other for the rest of the night." ft smiled. he had no intention of losing.