The Door (Ch. 12)

Eli had already gotten three hole in ones on some very difficult holes, one of which involved a carousel for the ball and two ramps! nick and judy had stared open-mouth after that one. "'ve always wanted to, but i never got to play it before.

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Broken Words: Chapter 16

As they walked to the luggage carousel in silence, the hand in jayden's squeezed gently, almost nervously.

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My knight in Shinning Armour, ch 18

You're a carousel you're a wishing well and you light me up when you ring my bell you're a mystery you're from outer space you're every minute of my everyday and i can't believe oh, that i'm your man and i get to kiss your baby

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Lonely Hearts Ranch Chapter One: Buzz and Jake

He heard jake call out to him as he hurried to the luggage carousel. jake finally caught up with him as he was looking for his bag. "buzz! what the hell has gotten into you?" "drop it, jake.

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Against All Odds: Part 5 - Echoes

One single baggage claim carousel sat in motion to his left, while a modest customs area lied in wait directly ahead.

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[MLP: FiM] "C & C chapter 3: Shared Domicile"

We made it back to carousel boutique just before the first drop fell." "that's good. how was the excursion? did rarity find enough gems to keep her settled for a while?" "did she?" spike said. "we went back for a second wagonload!

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 16

She plowed through the carousel boutique and came to a rest next to the remains of the first contraption they had fought. the green-furred unicorn lay silently as several other ponies ran up to her. among them were rarity and twilight.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 20)

Everything was circling about everything else, like some awful carousel. all i could see were little, insignificant snatches of _something_, something that was then whirled away from me.

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The Nightmare Goes On

After saying my goodbyes to rarity and mitta, i let the carousel boutique and made my way back towards ponyville proper.

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Mom Swap!

" * * * meanwhile at carousel boutique, rarity slipped on her knee-high deep-lavender leather boots, taking a moment to admire herself in a nearby mirror, she wore matching elbow-length gloves, a skin-tight bodysuit that how did nearly every inch of her

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Shi spat, jostling hir way through the crowd of humans and furs alike, trying to reach the carousel that contained the luggages. shaking his head in surprise, he took careful notice of hir features. red ears.

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[MLP: FiM] C & C chapter 6: Luna's emergence

The cutie mark crusaders were all going to be at the carousel boutique for a slumber party the next night. those three energetic youngsters loose in her store--alarming in itself! eventually, rarity got to sleep. her dreams were vaguely disturbing.

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