The awakening

The constant screams echoing through the vast dimensions that made-up for this chaotic place most knew as Hell, kept ringing within his ears, stirring him from within his slumber, summoning forth his consciousness. With a twitch, an arch and a shiver...

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Cool For Cats

At least there was some snow to coushin the fall. Too bad a half inch is not sufficient for softening a sudden impact. Still, JT did not find himself in much of a position to complain about it. In fact he was not in a position to do much of anything....

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The Coin of Chance

This is a dark opening story to a possible series. It shows a little of how your outlook on life can make things a curse or a blessing. It also shows how there are people in the world who no matter what you say will continue to follow the...

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A Day Trip (pt 1)

Dan struggled frantically trying to free his arms from the ropes that tied his arms around the tree behind him. Just a few moments ago he and fiancé Marci had been fishing by the side of the river. It was a perfect spot, off the beaten path, and...

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Time for a Change – Part 15

Jenny awoke, panting. She sat up, her hands on Matt's chest. Her body felt weak, almost drained of energy from the furious rutting. Of course, the heat still lingered in her loins; part her own arousal and part the warm feeling of having been filled to...

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If you could only see The beast you made of me I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free **-Florence + the Machine, "Howl"** So far, Spike wasn't all that impressed by his first week as a janitor. Sure, there was music, but they...

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Time for a Change – Part 12

With the Event team gone and neither of them locked in a little box being probed, the tension slowly drained out of Jenny and Matt. Jenny threw her hands up with a sigh. "Well I guess that's it then," she said. Her fingers gently probed her horns,...

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Time for a Change – Part 11

Matt slid to his feet as Jenny took a deep breath and slid along to the door. Well, not literally; much as her movements were now strangely fluid she was at least still upright. 'Gliding' could be considered a better term for her new gait. Regardless...

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Time for a Change – Part 10

Jenny looked down at the thing twitching against her leg. Matt cleared his throat and pulled away. "Sorry...just my tail," he explained. Jenny nodded, cheeks a little red at the thought that had dropped into her head at the sensation. "Do you want some...

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Time for a Change – Part 9

Matt stepped into the room, bundled up against the cold. Jenny could tell something was off even as he paused and looked at her. He was in the middle of removing the big, bulky bobble hat that he'd placed on his head, when his eyes leapt to her new...

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Time for a Change – Part 8

"Just a minute!" Jenny called, tugging a new shirt on as fast as she could. She did not notice the slightly roughened area of skin on her lower back, which seemed to make a little arrow shape pointing up her spine. She considered her trousers and gave...

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Scientific Advancement Goes Moo

This is a commission for fairy-of-fetishes; you can check out both his DA and FA pages for more info. He contacted me at the beginning of the year for a commission; for some reason he thought I would be good at making a story involving cows, lactation...

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