War Of The Litche: Prologue
Easy pickings everywhere for a thief, heavy coin purses, expensive jewelry, valuable family heirlooms-" "alright, alright i get it."
Chapter 3: Hate Those Meeses to Pieces
They leave it sitting on that rotting hat above their fireplace like it's some kind of dusty family heirloom. it would be so easy for a deviant witch to steal it and use its power for their own nefarious ends.
He briefly pondered taking his heirloom out with him today but decided a long swim out past the breakers and into the bay would be nicer.
Havana or Hell, part six
Another timeless heirloom from sky mall. so realistic it looks like any other rock in the garden -provided they are also cast in gray resin. here was one guy, who made most of his shopping from the comfort of an airplane seat.
A Twisted Fairytale Ch.1 In the Jungle
The only things he had that were untouched was his family shield, an enchanted family heirloom that went by his family's name the dawnguard; and his sword a simple but strong steel weapon forged by the family blacksmith.
Teacher's Pet Chapter 3
Was it a family heirloom? the song sounded so sad..." she murmured. the hybrid's eyes locked with the globe. "it belonged to my mother, the song was a lullaby she would sing me almost nightly when i was a little boy."
Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 5: Severed Resonance
Some spiders insisted that their traveling instruments had more 'soul' than the grounded xylophone-like instrument, because they could be passed down as heirlooms and be attached to memories of journeys.
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.15 - Path of Sin: Sin-Ikage
From his hip "law" removed what was referred to as the creedington clan "family heirloom". law ran a hand over the old .50 caliber "deliverance" hand cannon. the thing was so old that it still used physical bullets.
In Exchange For An Army: Ch 2
I noticed he was fiddling with the steel heirloom at the base. sandor was practically beaming, and i stood awkwardly silent.
Soul Sick, Chapter 3
Did eldrin have any idea what his "family heirloom" was worth, that he was flaunting it as carelessly as this? "that's so interesting. has it been in your family a long time?"
"The Thin Line," Part NN
I don't know why i looked for his heirloom sword, really, but it wasn't there. no doubt someone was doing something disgraceful with it.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 2
As he gazed at his mother's heirloom, he felt a tear roll down his cheek. he had never really known her, but all the same, she was everything to him.