War Of The Litche: Prologue

Easy pickings everywhere for a thief, heavy coin purses, expensive jewelry, valuable family heirlooms-" "alright, alright i get it."

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Chapter 3: Hate Those Meeses to Pieces

They leave it sitting on that rotting hat above their fireplace like it's some kind of dusty family heirloom. it would be so easy for a deviant witch to steal it and use its power for their own nefarious ends.

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He briefly pondered taking his heirloom out with him today but decided a long swim out past the breakers and into the bay would be nicer.

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Havana or Hell, part six

Another timeless heirloom from sky mall. so realistic it looks like any other rock in the garden -provided they are also cast in gray resin. here was one guy, who made most of his shopping from the comfort of an airplane seat.

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A Twisted Fairytale Ch.1 In the Jungle

The only things he had that were untouched was his family shield, an enchanted family heirloom that went by his family's name the dawnguard; and his sword a simple but strong steel weapon forged by the family blacksmith.

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Teacher's Pet Chapter 3

Was it a family heirloom? the song sounded so sad..." she murmured. the hybrid's eyes locked with the globe. "it belonged to my mother, the song was a lullaby she would sing me almost nightly when i was a little boy."

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 5: Severed Resonance

Some spiders insisted that their traveling instruments had more 'soul' than the grounded xylophone-like instrument, because they could be passed down as heirlooms and be attached to memories of journeys.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.15 - Path of Sin: Sin-Ikage

From his hip "law" removed what was referred to as the creedington clan "family heirloom". law ran a hand over the old .50 caliber "deliverance" hand cannon. the thing was so old that it still used physical bullets.

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In Exchange For An Army: Ch 2

I noticed he was fiddling with the steel heirloom at the base. sandor was practically beaming, and i stood awkwardly silent.

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Soul Sick, Chapter 3

Did eldrin have any idea what his "family heirloom" was worth, that he was flaunting it as carelessly as this? "that's so interesting. has it been in your family a long time?"

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"The Thin Line," Part NN

I don't know why i looked for his heirloom sword, really, but it wasn't there. no doubt someone was doing something disgraceful with it.

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 2

As he gazed at his mother's heirloom, he felt a tear roll down his cheek. he had never really known her, but all the same, she was everything to him.

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