At least, that was what sandor thought was happening. yet jykon was more in control than sandor reckoned as he slammed in, forcing air out of sandor's lungs whenever he felt the moment was best - for him, not for the fox, of course.
Lethal Ritual (part two of two)
Behind sandor, the foxhound laughed as sandor's nose dropped. the centaur was...filling alyssa.
I, Dacien - Chapter 15 - interlude iii
"sandor, suppose you'd given only your commandos instruction, and they'd concentrated on chelm." "it ... would have gone worse," admitted sandor.
Sold to the Brothel (part four of four)
"come here, sandor... sandor, darling..." he blinked, his eyes watery. "al... ally?" oh... he had called her that when they had been young.
Between the Doe-Taur and Her Lover (part three of three)
"sandor... sandor, sandor, are you listening?" alyssa shook his arm gently and the fox started.
Breaking the Breeder (part two of three)
He was sandor, yes, sandor, he repeated to himself inwardly, only able to make a low, long, drawn-out groan out loud. "toooooo...muth..." he tried to talk, though sandor might as well have done nothing at all.
Changing Relations (part three of three)
sandor... sandor, you have to hold on!" "indoors..." he rasped, tongue thick in his mouth, as if he had not drunk in weeks. "al... alyssa..." "yes, sandor?"
Breaking the Breeder (part one of three)
sandor's blood chilled.
Changing Relations (part two of three)
sandor... sandor, you have to hold on!" _continued in part three of three..._
I, Dacien Chapter 27 -- Emergency
"of course," sandor murmured. "we will await you."
Away (part three of three)
Only, alyssa changed how she spoke to people, carrying on with her life and quest to wait for sandor, to find out what had happened to sandor, to bring sandor home, with quiet determination.
Lethal Ritual (part one of two)
sandor has been guarding his lover, the taur princess alyssa, but all has gone so very wrong as they are both captured and sandor learns the horrors that await him as he watches another fade, drained of their soul through illicit orgasm... --- warning warning