Adept Paws Interlude: Rea

Rea An Adept Paws Interlude By Tempe O'Kun * * * [![Rea]( "Rea")]( "Rea") Rea leaned back, nose tilted up to catch the...

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Quick Quick Slow

**Quick, Quick, Slow** My name is Slim and I have a problem: You would too if you felt like me. I don't expect you to understand it, But hear me out; that'll do for me. Look at me, I've a long thin body, I have no legs, for goodness' sake,...

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Chapter 2: Accidental Discovery

Jillian had just entered the medical base perimeter and pulled her vehicle off to the side of the road. She would have to walk the rest of the way but that didn't bother her much. Sure beats having to work while getting shot at like in the field. This...

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Wolf blood chapter 3

Warning, this chapter is extremely stupid and has no studying in it at all, please don't stop reading. Harry sighed as he looked through his folder, he had so much work to get done, and in so little time, he didn't know what to do, he was just happy he...

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Vexen's Own Story!

Written By Vexen "Ya' know, everyone seems to have their own story these days, or comics, or movie, or show, or facebook account, or a blimp." I said, flopping down on the sofa we had finally hauled in up those damned staircases. Hate stair cases. ...

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Lumine: The beginning

It was cold, too cold even for spring time. I held onto my trench knife for dear life, while screaming at the top of my lungs for help. I wonderd how did i end up hanging off the edge of a cliff holding onto a rust knife for my life. As i aksed...

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Shaken, Not Stirred

Shaken, Not Stirred © Searska GreyRaven I yawned and stretched, and rolled over to look at the clock. "Holy shi--what the frell? Gah!" The digital display told me in the calm way that most digital clocks read that the time was twenty-three past ten...

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I was running it was natural to run. I was covered in bruises and scratches since I keep running into things. My body was exhausted from all the running I have been doing. Looking back I saw nothing, but I knew he was there, hiding was his strong...

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 4: Gym Leader Roxanne

                        Trainer's Tale                          Chapter 4: Gym Leader Roxanne            After their first view of Rustboro, the trio made a trip to the pokecenter. Arriving at the front desk, Ian rang the bell. Then, from behind a...

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Sharing a Room

What you will find in my stories is humor and wit along with a plethora (i just wanted to use that silly word) of other emotions. *extends a paw... pleased to meet you.

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Pokémon Schnapps/Tequila/Daiquiri Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but when your god gives you lemons you find a new god.** AN: Well I'm kinda out of jokes now... Feel free to submit your own and get featured. So far I only got one though... This chapter...

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Sharing a Room

I'm sure there is a moral to this story; but i'll let you decide... listed as adult for its humor... vixyy _sharing a room_ _by_ _vixyy fox_ pexi woke to a bone hard finger being stuck into his side. "you're snoring."

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