Devotion to Life
With that said they looked to the future and prayed that it would be a smooth journey. the end.
Rising Tide - Part 5 - STORY
#30 of journeys - journal entries synopsis while diana is held prisoner aboard the nova blade, her friends race to find her.
Rising Tide - Part 4 - STORY
#28 of journeys - journal entries synopsis while harumi learns about life above the surface, diana finds herself in more danger than she was prepared for...
The Beginning of A Journey
The start of a long journey. the first of eight. yeah. so, my name is teslar etzia. and i don't know why i'm writing these journal entries. i just have a book and a pen, so i might as well start using it now right?
The Beastmaker's Journey
**the beastmaker's journey** sayn was lying on her back on the grass, looking up at the clear blue sky with a lazy smile on her lips.
Ozien's journey
#1 of ozien's journey in this story i tell you about the meeting of my two main character, ozien and akisha in a world of my creation, arcane-terra.
Journey of the Son
He wondered if his father's journey was this difficult. that's when he noticed the tip of a loaded crossbow aimed at his head. a human woman with red hair stood steady with the crossbow, "who are you?" "a person on a journey."
Life's Journey
I have a lot that i need to make i have to make a lot of money so all the hours i can i'm going to take so that i can make a life's journey to go be with you. my loving and sweet wolf.
Journey to Earth
It means the world to little ol' me :3 journey to earth by xerox2 "what's a smart, talented girl like you doing stuck in a place like this?"
The Journey Out
"my lord father, it is a long journey. i was rash, as is my wont- perhaps someone closer could be of assistance."
Journey to Hecatompylos
The journey began for the two of them as they left zadracarta in cassandras.
The Journey Home
Consulting his inner map, the artificial intelligence judged his remaining journey to be just the elevator shaft doors and one more wall beyond that. facetiously, he reminded himself not to look back once he had phil well in paw.