The Surly Bonds of Earth

It was a mobile trading city, one of an indefinite number that the nayathi maritime confederacy could lay claim to.

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The Deepking - The Abyss

The united states had enforced a maritime embargo ever since my lord had started spreading across the west coast. they were still puzzled on the phenomenon and confusion continued to keep them from doing anything significant.

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Sparks of an Ancient Light - Chapter 4

At length, ibiza found the door that led to rosemary barter's maritime voyage. the dragon gestured for the hawk, and then led him through the portal.

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With Quiet, Lifting Mind

_i_ wanted to learn more about maritime propulsion. everyone said 'jan, you'll never make it and it's useless to try.' except they said it more politely, because of my family name."

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Killer Huxley; profile

He shown to understand, anyhow, how the submarines are one of the most lethal weapons ever created, and his knowledge about strategy, maritime warfare and ships grown exponentially.

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My Sword, My Clan 15 - My Journey to the Sky

Currently kruz was scribbling down into what appeared to be some form of maritime journal, with strange yet oddly familiar symbols to him as well as what he knew were ivalician numbers.

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Cold Snap

Just a few feet shy was the boardwalk's maritime terminal, of which the other passengers were already inside. she'd say to anyone who asked that she didn't go in yet because she didn't want to be surrounded by all those talking people.

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Rising Tides Part 2

Overfishing, disruptive maritime traffic, pollution, noise, mining, dredging, invasive species, habitat loss, dead zones, and global warming. the problems facing the underwater world were monumental. the economic and human costs would be as well.

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Rising Tides Part 1

Stop maritime shipping? wreck ports? kill millions with the disruption in trade? how would they even do those things if they wanted to? her background showed in the actions she'd imagined. talk and facts had failed.

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First Intruder: Hostile Contact

Lou nudged mika, "there's an old maritime law about derelict ships, it's called 'finder's keepers' sweetie, and this is certainly a find for us."

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Legacy of Siyu Chapter 7:Yo Ho Ho

My understanding is that such an act is illegal according to the maritime treaties. the oceans are free to traverse. it's also my understanding that the captain of that particular ship was known for, shall we say, less than civilized behavior."

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