WtV: Species Archetypes / General Info - WIP

Due to the desert climate a clothing style most suitably described as "ancient egyptian" is common nowadays. ### the reich, the church and the stranded ### white tigers ( church ) ( self-afflicted, degenerated former high-tech-society, native to

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Birthright I: Fledgling

Birthright is an ancient egyptian themed furry fantasy. today, the queen decides her child is ready to properly... appreciate the debauchery that is the nightlife of the royal court. i hope you enjoy it!

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Fight For The Prize

But sierra sprawled out on the table, presenting her twitching rump in the air, still in release, muttering what seemed to be an ancient egyptian incantation again. "what's that mean?"

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Maid of the Mansion - Part 1

That was fine as far as leila was concerned, but damned if she was going to worship some ancient egyptian go- "you dare defy me child? i can always make your curse permanent.

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I realized it was a rug, patterned to look like an altar surrounded by sacred symbols of ancient egyptian gods. "it's definitely hot in here. especially with you two," randy called, leaning in and nibbling gently at the side of my neck.

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Unforgetable Halloween

"the history of nuterhek's life, all written all over his sarcophagus, on ancient egyptian." "yeah, i noticed all of those drawings." the taller man said, referring to the hieroglyphs all over the sarcophagus.

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Elvira and Seth - Chapter 1

Wait, seth is a deity of the people of ancient egypt, going back thousands of years." "i see you are very knowledgeable in ancient stories. the humans do not know all this. they rather back away from me, let me. that is why i can move freely.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 1

"was this supposed to mean that the ancient egyptians actually had contact and that the gods existed? that seth's murder of osiris really took place and its parts were distributed not across egypt but across the milky way?"

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Hierarchy of Needs

Somewhere to her right a pair of doors opened and a half dozen heavily armed - and oiled - men in the garb of ancient egyptians stormed in, forming a wall of swords around her.

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Waiting Time

She was a fox with bright red fur and dressed in some ancient egyptian gold plated clothing. "who's that?" i asked. "that is diva, she's demi goddess of pleasure. which includes fun, games, and yes sexual acts.

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There She Is!! - Paradise

The ancient egyptians built the pyramids out of giant sandstone slabs. the knights and nobles of the dark ages constructed massive castles and fortifications using trees and stone.

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A State of De-Nile

He had gotten lucky with the timeline so far, but he had no idea how his presence here in ancient egypt was going to affect his future. yep, he had asked for, and was freely given, her hand. of course, that was from her father.

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