The Pokemon Threat Chapter Three!

**Chapter Three, The Threat Arrives!** Blaze was with Poochie, keeping him warm and protected. His eyes were getting heavy; he could barely keep them open. He looked at Poochie to see he was already asleep; he gave a yawn then placed his head next...

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Sunlight Through The Clouds: Rising Sun [Chapter 1]

**Chapter 1: World Changed** It has been a few weeks since the "mystics" revealed themselves to the world. World governments try their best to keep their citizens calm as the each work to bring these magical beings smoothly into normal society,...

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Into The Mists

Stephen typed in his username and password to log into his game account. It had been a long while since he last played Guild Wars 2. Logging in after all this time brought back a fond nostalgia he had with this game. Out of all the MMORPGs he had...

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Eeveelutionary Changes

"So how many badges have you got yet, Stephen?" A male trainer asked, sipping his coffee and leaning back in his chair. "I got four so far. Was just heading to the Lumiose City gym before I ran into you. What about you, Kevin? How many do you got?"...

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The Mage's Deal

Hyruzon was sitting lazily in the entrance to his cave, head between his paws as he looked down the slope from his home. His cave was at the top of a large hill and he had hollowed out a cave with magic when he'd moved to the area. When the hillside...

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The Lazarus Pit

Lazarus fell into the darkness with a splash, a little confused as to how he'd gotten here. There was an eerie green glow to everything around him, and far, far above he could see a small bit of light shining down. He sat down in the dark waters...

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Only In Florida...

"So, are you sure it's OK for us to chill here?" Brittany asked, taking a sip from her beer and picking up the joint she'd left sitting on the edge of the table in front of her. "Oh, absolutely, we aren't going to be bothered. Uncle Jack's...

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Vicky & Todd, Vixen & Tod

Hell had broken loose. Well, one demon had broken loose. Actually, two, but one of them doesn't really matter right now, and there's a third but they were made after the second one arrived. Point being, there were now demons walking among human and...

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Grin and Bear it (Black Bear TF/TG)

Travis stood up slowly, tired and stiff from the last few hours hiding in his makeshift stand. He was a professional wildlife photographer, currently on contract to take photos in a national park. In the past few weeks, he'd captured the usual images...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 12

The Scrofa gave us two days. Apparently, they were that concerned about a concussion. They left Rika and me to tend to him, giving us more herbs to take, and more to give to Arthur, but...

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Transformation Booths

A man walked into the mall with his phone in hand. He had his contact list open and his name, Jeremy, was at the top of a conversation he was having with a woman named 'Wife' on his touch phone. There were a few different people and creatures walking...

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Buccaneers of Black Pond Chapter 2

1. Chapter Theme: []( 2. The pile of blankets inside the cop car snorted when the radio cracked to life. "Williams, Williams. This is dispatch, over." 3....

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