This story contains mature and sexual content that no minor should read. if it is illegal to view such content in your country please leave this page immediately and do not read past this sentence.
Adult, Canine, Comedy, Cuddling, Cum, Fingering, Fondling, Hard-On, Humor, Kissing, Love, Lust, M/F, Movie Theater, Orgasm, Panties, Penis, Pussy, Skirt, Vagina, Vanilla
If you're not in the age of 18-21 you shouldn't be reading this, this involves sexual content, and way too mature for those under the age of 17.
Dragon, Gay, Human, M/M, Sci-Fi
_this story may not have sexual content, but it deals with a very mature subject. do not read lightly.
the story and characters belong to me, renaux. if you want to use them, just ask permission, and i'm sure we can work something out!
Dark, Death, Fear, Rabbit, Violence, Wolf
Warning: scenes may contain sexual content not suitable for all ages. read at your own risk!
i hope this satisfies you for now, but i'll hope to upload a new chapter tomorrow!
hope you enjoyed!
i soon awoke to the sound of my cellphone.
Anal, College, Explicit, Gay, German Shepherd, M/M, Riding, Sex, Sexual, Soulmates, Virgin, Wolf, Yiff, arousing
. :) disclaimer: this story contains adult situations with sexual content. if you have entered this site, but are not legally old enough to view this content, neither the site, or any creator of these stories shall be held responsible for your actions.
Anal, Fox, M/M, Wolf
"a centaur in need"
by michael simmons
adult text & content: if you are under the age of 18, or easily offended by sexual content (i.e. - explicit in nature), between men & women/ men or men/ woman or woman or group sex, for that manner
Centaur, Human, Impregnation, M/F, Virgin
warning: this an adult furry story that contains sexual content. if you are under 18 or do not like to read sex stories or you dont like m/f or anything like that, then please leave now.
Catgirl, M/F, Virgin, Wolf
The following story contains sexual contents and such. the following story is about two dragons who... yiff. yeah. that's it. so if you don't dig macho dragon sex, then you shouldn't read what's comming up.
Anal, Dragon, Gay, M/M
But dont worry, part 2 will most definitely contain a lot of sexual content. the story i may go back and work on, didn't really have time to proof read it or anything as my editor is asleep and i didnt want to wake her.
Bovine, Character Development, Feline, Horse, M/F, Mare, Seduction, Teenagers, Zebra