Only but a wing could save us

transcending his very being jefferey shattered the entire continuum of existence save for one man, one place, one spicy hot wing. adolf the hotdog man, wanson the black market wing exporter. he knew his role in life, and his time was near.

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Polytheism Within My Writing

When their work is finished, they transcend by incinerating their physical bodies. religious sects who devote the bulk of their worship to the phoenix commonly believe solely in cremation.

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On Top of it all: A True Story

The drifting of sweet marijuana smoke increased, and tequila, beer, vodka, everything just poured all over, and a palace of decadence transcended all temporal knowledge in the sick, sad world that we do live in.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter twenty-one

A door that leads to a world that transcends mere existence." he stood before the sealed path with both keys in hand, the power to create and the power to destroy. destiny could deny him nothing. "_arcanum arcanorum_.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 15

He would smile until the moment the world vanished from his existence, or he transcended it. whatever came first. there was something warm and fuzzy in his hand, struggling against his grip.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 9

This was still an avatar of the cora, and that transcended all impurities. he loomed in the growing darkness, bent over slightly to compensate for the angle of her tent, staring down at her with his five, perfect eyes.

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Logan and Chomper: The Passion That Transcends The Grievances Of Time

Wolverine was sleeping very happily. It was the new timeline, so there weren't any more evil military skanks trying to shake his bones with metallic fervor of madness and hatred. But temporal travel left his mind obtuse, it was too much, so now he...

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We have managed to rescue you from that dreadful life and brought you to this cathedral, where we have allowed you to transcend death. you are being septized, and it brings me great joy to be the one to bring you the light of the god-machine!

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Chillin After the Battle

Love is love, and transcends all other boundaries. the pope had children of his own, after all."                 she giggled. "yeah, i know. i have a feeling that sits pretty poorly with modern religious scholars."                 he shrugged.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 9

This was still an avatar of the cora, and that transcended all impurities. he loomed in the growing darkness, bent over slightly to compensate for the angle of her tent, staring down at her with his five, perfect eyes.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 10

There was strength there, something you shall never know, a power that transcends life and death. may you sit forever in your own sorrow and know only loneliness for this!" "sodomize your 'love'," wynono screamed, "rape your sentiments!

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