Fyve: Nothing Can Hurt Me (3)

He felt himself stealthing at the thought of such disturbing racket and he caught himself, fading only partially from view before he fully materialized again.

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Mischa's death

Slipping out the door quietly not to disturb mischa he leant down sniffing her neck, she turned her head and calmly said "yes sir? my i help you?" she kept drawing un fazed by the black fox leaning over her shoulder.

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Girls Gone Wild: Durango - Chapter 9

We have a commercial disturbance." i was a bit confused by this. "we are the only ones close enough?" "no, the disturbance is the woman you are suppose to be watching." now i was really confused. "i...i thought she was an officer."

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Because, for me, happiness only comes if something disturbs the life pattern. when nothing happens and everything flow in it's accord, i feel sad and down.

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IIX

The following content may be disturbing to some people. the following story will deal with adult themes. if you find this disturbing do not read. warning!

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter II

The following content may be disturbing to some people. the following story will deal (eventually) with adult themes. if you find this disturbing do not read. warning!

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Road Rovers LE Creepypasta

I had no idea how this was disturbing at first, but that was because it was only the first minute or so. kinda boring, really. until what i'm about to explain to you now.

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Cooper Clan Secrets part 1

They had gotten a call of a loud disturbance in a nearby alley way by some neighbor who complained that street kids were making too much noise again and she wanted it taken care of right way.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 5(.2)

Chris almost felt like they resented the disturbance of the party as they moved through it. it seemed like the thicker trailers of mist was almost poised to strike.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Eight)

There's something disturbing there." he applied pressure, his strength forcing her to bolster her stance. "there's a long list of what i'm feeling right now. but i doubt anything on that list is something you want to hear."

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170 Resource Gathering Phase

Fortunately grunter just loves the bits nobody else wants, in short offal and off-cuts in impressive quantities, the subsequent snarfing down of which with minimal chewing could disturb a weaker stomach.

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