Movie Night

Was this whole place on the fritz? as we were trying to block out the sounds, no one else seemed to notice someone walk onto the screen.

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Choices of the Half-Elven: Part 1

.~ --robert fritz _one being can change the fate of a world: a child, an elder; a male, a female; a slave, a king; a billionaire, a pauper; a coward, a brave; a hero, a villain; an optimist, a pessimist; a lover, a fighter; any of these

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Draining Demetrios Station

Some panel had gone on the fritz, and the morons who designed the ship decided to only make the repairs possible from outside. that meant the dragon could get a much-needed break from the cramped quarters and go for a walk of sorts.

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The Most Dangerous Hunt (Story)

It was just an average day on the way back from the gym, when all of a sudden, some of the electronics around the area began acting on the fritz. as if it couldn't get any weirder, a portal of some sort had opened up, swallowing the dragon whole.

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Prostitution Story: Bought for the Captain

The scanner had been on the fritz, unable to measure the ship as a whole, but he knew it couldn't have been more than sixty meters, at the very most.

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The usual gang trudged behind him, tommy fritz, carl doris, freddy jenkins, and me. to be honest, i never really understood why i hung out with them. they were always a lot more trouble than they were worth.

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Choose Your Own Fantasy

"fritz is one of my oldest friend's, and he gets me free drinks here." jakki winked at kayoa, taking a sip of his drink.

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Wedding Mouse, 1 of 7

One of the campus cops, red-faced and cold, but looking comfortable, because even a freakin' campus cop made more money and could afford a decent jacket with a heater coil that didn't fritz out every- "how's things in the lab?" he grinned.

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Erläuterungen zu "Ahmehlias Abschied und Erlösung aus Liebe

fritz mauthner verglich in seinem „wörterbuch der philosophie" den suizidenten mit einer an der ufermauer stehenden katze, die, weil sie von heißen eisenstangen umzingelt ist, ins für sie tödliche wasser springt.

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Four Calling Beans

"not right now we don't; we're two behind them because you've been on the fritz tonight. you really gonna have us lose to these dorks?" "...we're right here, guys," said matty, and wes lowered his ears at scott in thin-veiled annoyance.

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Meeting Him

fritz furfaro, right? what the hell are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be like, learning how to do cocaine?" "i..." i muttered, but i was rendered speechless by his demeanour. the big bad wolf was a fairy tale no more.

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The Second Promise: Rule of Three

When it crashed, it splattered against the barrier, causing it to fritz and turn off as the spell attacked all around rather than a single projectile impact. "you weren't kidding." methir mused. "that was grade four and you cast it much faster.

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