Court Date

When law was law, and not interpretation. you seem to be of that mindset, and if so... you would be welcome in my courts." with a final nod, he dismissed them, the two bowing as they retreated and resumed their circuit around the hall.

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Music being what it was, the 'scene' portrayed was up to each individual's interpretation, but nathan's impression was of a funeral, probably for the father of the current 'creature' portrayed by the music.



Plus to gratify my femdom-malesub fetish >u> (i left kara open to interpretation in terms of what animal she is.

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Kingdom Hearts III Imagined Final Confrontation

Anyway, in honor of the release of kingdom hearts ii.5 hd remix, i present my own interpretation of how i think the xehanort saga will come to a close, after this third party is removed, and xehanort is again reduced to just a sad, old man, whose


[9] Log #3506 - Something Wicked...

My mind wanted to interpret and fathom it all, but it was almost overwhelming to look for much longer. before i could glance away, my eyes caught the attention of ac as he suddenly slammed the pen back down onto its receptacle.

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Aqueus biography

When he put it on his back, the flotation bag could also be interpreted as a kind of inflatable boat using their tails as a propeller and his fins as paddles. their tails can rotate infinitely like the blades of the propeller.

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Kayla's Pack - Part 1: Change

An open stare could be interpreted as a challenge to his authority. annoyed, deven relinquishes his embrace and puts his arm on the table, gripping his pint glass in both hands. "go wait outside if you're so antsy."

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 22: The Fate of the World

The last part could be interpreted in a couple of ways to me. the other key shall end life as it is known to all killers of the fang.

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Dragon Tales: Sacrifice

The dragon gave what could only be interpreted as a lewd smile as the smell of his powerful, spicy musk began wafting through the room. daia peaked under the male and saw where the smell originated.

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Not A Sound From The Pavement

More like, i had done it without knowing how he might interpret my eagerness for this meeting, my sudden taking him to this private all seemed to scream in my face now.

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Conclusion

And i know prophecies are meant to be vague -- it's how interpreters kept their jobs -- but what did the brother fighting brother mean? and when?

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The Beginner's Guide to RPing - Roleplay BREAKDOWN

\*blushes and turns away, shyly stirring his drink\* this leaves far too much up to interpretation! someone won't know if you are playing hard to get, or if they are invading your personal space and have made you uncomfortable!

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