Deep into the Forest (pt 7, epilogue)

Within the cats arms two smaller animals lay within its warm protective embrace. the white fluffy form of an arctic fox lay, her belly badly swollen.

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A Surprise of Epic Proportions - Part 4

You want to lay the rest of the eggs up there?" i asked. "yes, if i can," she responded. "i don't know if i can push without having a contraction though, so it might take a while." "i have no plans," i said.

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A Surprise of Epic Proportions - Part 3

I don't think you'll be able to prevent my laying again." "good point," i replied. i took a couple steps back, pulled up my pants, and zipped them up.

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A Surprise of Epic Proportions

Main theme: loss of control secondary themes: dragoness, pregnancy, labor, birth, egg laying, squirting i was walking home after a late night spent with friends. it was just after midnight.

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Accidents Happen

I know I haven't really written anything, but I've had this sitting around too long, here ya go, let me know what ya think. Little side story as I work on an actual sequel to the first Cycles story. The Cycles: Accidents Happen The rabbit...

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The Naga's Ruins 2

Little did kran know, though, that this would be the cause of him laying a couple of eggs today. with another groan, he said "w-wait love. i think you just pressed against the eggs..."

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Developing Prints - Chapter 1

She wasn't sure how long she lay there in the complete dark.

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Developing Prints - Chapter 2

And they had to lay an egg before they turned back. but you turned into a zigzagoon _twice_. the second time you turned into a zigzagoon you had already had an egg. that meant you didn't need to lay one again, to turn back!

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Acquisition #1

He couldn't remember much of what happened but he recalled -in an almost dream like way- walking into the forest, on a muggy day about to storm. His heart pounded as he remembered making the mistake of walking that path. He squirmed in his bonds until...

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Adventures with Sofi - 8/10

Call me when she starts to lay, it's an interesting sight."

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Ancient Conditioning

She rose shakily from the laying crouch, turning to look at the pile of eggs. they didn't really look like dragon eggs but that was fine; her master's didn't need her to lay dragon eggs, after all.

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Kobold Kaos - Brooding

It was on one visit from the urd that janus felt the intense contractions that meant it was time for them to lay.

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