Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 6 - Caligulan Captain

But soon the beast wised up, and would feint his swings in order to throw james off, slamming his blade in a backhand swing to try and cut the scissors straight out of his hands.

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An Era of Chivalry 6 - The Vengeance of Imps

swings up high were immediately countered before swings down low, the frog's own reflexes incredible. everytime james thought he had a chance to hit the armour, a blade was suddenly there, out of nowhere.

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Eevee (M) X Minun (F) ~ White and gold

swings!" the jittery eevee called out, jumping up and down excitedly. sure enough, the park was in view and there were a pair of swing sets standing idle and unused by anyone.

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Precious: Play ground

She lowered them down and was about to get on the floor when she turned and looked at the black swing set. in the small back of the seat were two gaps, presumably for someone to ride the swing backwards.

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The path Less Traveled, Part 4

He blocked a heavy swing from a guard with a battle axe, but the redguard took a swing across his chest and he fell. i ducked a swing from one guard and slashed his face, and cried out as i took another strike, this time on my upper right shoulder.

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Who wants the first swing?", alex smiled darkly, "at the terror of houston? who wants to kill the cooker?" justin and mary both answered at the same time. "oh, sorry guys, but only one animal can swing first!"

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Necessity Part IV - Interwoven

Every swing, every punch... it'd all been overpowering force without finesse.

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Icebound - Chapter 2

The bandit was in the middle of a wide swing, trying to simply overpower the woman with brute force. aiden's arrow went through the man's chest.

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Sand Castle

With the reach of her swing, she probably could target the strawman's throat, but that would be a slower swing and leave her off balance. instead, as she "saw" him lift his sword over his head and attack, she drew her blade and swiped across his belly.

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Mythical Tales chapter 5: Counter-Assault

He swings rapidly never giving the general time to recover. i fight through the crowd, trying to get to steb to cover his back. every swing steb makes the general catches on his shield. eventually the shield starts to buckle.

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Sacred Chapter 3: Caliber

Before the man could recover, roy gripped his blade with both hands and swings as hard as he can. the swing lands, creating a huge gash in the side of the insane man.

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Bound by Destiny 24

Take a swing at me." tenchi drew her own katana from the sheath before swinging at sasha, who parried it and quickly delivered a punch to tenchi's chest, causing the smaller dragoness to stumble back, "hey! you could have warned me!"

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